Will my eyesight get worse if I don't wear glasses


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I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users about this topic. Is it true that if I don't wear glasses, my eyesight will get worse? I've heard that if I don't wear glasses, the muscles in my eyes will start to weaken and my eyesight will get worse, but I'm not sure if this is true or not. I'm looking for any advice or experiences that anyone else has had with this, so I can get an understanding of what to expect.


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Will My Eyesight Get Worse If I Don't Wear Glasses?

It is a common question asked by people who wear glasses to improve their vision. Many people wonder if their eyesight will get worse if they don't wear glasses. The answer is not as straightforward as it may seem.

There are several factors that can affect your vision. These include age, genetics, diet, and lifestyle. If you don't wear glasses, it is possible that your eyesight could get worse over time. However, this is not a guarantee.


Your genetics are the most important factor when it comes to your eyesight. If your parents or grandparents had poor vision, you are more likely to have poor vision as well. If you don't wear glasses, your vision could still get worse over time due to genetic factors.


Your age is another factor that can affect your vision. As you get older, your eyesight can naturally worsen. This is due to the natural aging process and is something that cannot be avoided. If you don't wear glasses, it is possible that your vision will get worse over time due to age.


Your diet is also an important factor when it comes to your vision. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help to maintain your vision. Eating a diet that is high in processed foods and sugar can lead to vision problems. If you don't wear glasses, it is possible that your vision could get worse over time due to your diet.


Your lifestyle can also affect your vision. If you smoke, drink too much alcohol, or have a sedentary lifestyle, your vision can worsen over time. If you don't wear glasses, it is possible that your vision could get worse over time due to lifestyle factors.

Overall, there is no guarantee that your eyesight will get worse if you don't wear glasses. However, there are several factors that can affect your vision and it is possible that it could get worse over time. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, and to have regular eye exams to ensure that your vision stays healthy.


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Yes, it is possible for your eyesight to worsen if you don't wear glasses. Without glasses, your eye muscles become weaker as they are not being used to focus properly. This can lead to blurry vision and difficulty seeing things that are far away. Additionally, if you have an existing eye condition, not wearing glasses can cause it to worsen and lead to more serious eye problems in the future. Therefore, it is important to wear glasses as prescribed by your doctor to prevent your eyesight from getting worse.


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If you don't wear glasses, it is possible that your eyesight could get worse over time. Without the corrective lenses, your eyes may have difficulty focusing on objects, which can lead to blurred vision and eye strain. Furthermore, if you have an underlying eye condition such as astigmatism, myopia, or hyperopia, not wearing glasses can exacerbate the issue, causing your vision to deteriorate further. To maintain good eyesight, it is important to wear the glasses prescribed by your optometrist and visit them regularly for check-ups.


Active member
Question: Will my eyesight get worse if I don't wear glasses?

Answer: It depends on the condition of your eyesight. If you have a refractive error that requires glasses to correct vision, then yes, your eyesight can get worse if you don't wear glasses. However, if you don't have any refractive errors and your current vision is stable, then you may be able to go without glasses without any significant worsening of vision. It is best to consult with an eye care professional to determine what is best for your particular situation.


Staff member

Will my eyesight get worse if I don't wear glasses?

Yes, it is possible for your eyesight to get worse if you do not wear glasses. If you have an existing eye condition, failing to wear glasses could cause further deterioration of your vision. It is important to seek medical advice from an optometrist to determine the best course of action for your eye health.