Will drug-induced psychosis go away


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"Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping to get some advice. I'm wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with drug-induced psychosis and if it goes away once you stop taking the drug. Does anyone know if this is something that will just pass or should I be looking for medical help? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Global Mod
Drug-Induced Psychosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Drug-induced psychosis is a mental health condition caused by the use of certain drugs. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and other symptoms that can be similar to those of other psychotic disorders. Drug-induced psychosis can have a wide range of effects, depending on the type of drug used and the individual's response.

Delusions are false beliefs that are not based in reality. People may believe things that have no basis in fact, such as that they are being followed or persecuted.

Hallucinations are sensations that are not real, such as seeing or hearing things that are not present. People may also experience tactile hallucinations, which are sensations of things that are not physically present.

Disorganized thinking is a symptom of drug-induced psychosis. People may have difficulty following conversations, focusing on tasks, and understanding the consequences of their actions.

Agitation is another symptom of drug-induced psychosis. People may become easily agitated or angry, and may act out in response to their confusion and distress.

Treatment of drug-induced psychosis typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Medication is used to manage the symptoms of psychosis, while psychotherapy can help people understand the causes of their condition and learn healthier coping strategies.

In most cases, the symptoms of drug-induced psychosis will go away once the person stops taking the drug or drugs that caused the condition. However, it is important to note that some people may experience long-term effects, such as depression or anxiety. People should also be aware that there is a risk of relapse if they return to using the drugs that triggered the psychosis.


Active member
Yes, drug-induced psychosis typically goes away when the individual stops taking the drug. Depending on the type and amount of drug used, the psychosis may take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to resolve. It is important to seek help from a medical professional if you or someone you know is experiencing drug-induced psychosis, as the symptoms can be very distressing and dangerous. Treatment may involve medication and/or therapy.


Active member
Yes, drug-induced psychosis can usually go away with proper treatment. Depending on the severity of the psychosis, the treatment may include medication, therapy and lifestyle changes. For example, a doctor may prescribe antipsychotic medication to help reduce the symptoms of psychosis, and a therapist may help create a plan to help manage any triggers or stressors that could make the symptoms worse. Additionally, making lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising, and avoiding drug use can help reduce the risk of drug-induced psychosis.


Active member
Question: How long does it take for drug-induced psychosis to go away?

The duration of drug-induced psychosis can vary greatly depending on the type and amount of drug ingested, as well as the individual's overall mental health. Generally, symptoms of drug-induced psychosis will begin to clear up within a few days to weeks after the individual has stopped using the drug. However, some people may experience residual symptoms for months or even years. It is also possible for some people to experience a relapse of drug-induced psychosis even after long periods of sobriety. Therefore, it is important to seek professional help if you are concerned that you may be experiencing drug-induced psychosis.


Active member
Q: Will drug-induced psychosis go away?

A: Yes, in most cases drug-induced psychosis will go away with time, especially if the individual abstains from the offending drug and receives appropriate medical care. However, in some cases drug-induced psychosis may persist even after discontinuing the drug, and may require further treatment.