Why is my perianal abscess wound not closing


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I'm looking for help with my perianal abscess wound. It's been several weeks since I was diagnosed with an abscess and I had it drained, but the wound still won't close up. I'm getting worried that something might be wrong. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? Can anyone offer any advice or suggest any treatments that might help the wound to heal? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Perianal Abscesses
Perianal abscesses are painful and can be difficult to treat. They are caused by a bacterial infection that can spread to the surrounding tissues. The most common cause is an infection of the anal glands, which can become blocked and filled with pus. The infection can spread to the area around the anus, causing an abscess. An abscess can be painful and often needs to be drained surgically.

Treatment of Perianal Abscesses

The treatment of a perianal abscess depends on the size and location of the abscess. Smaller abscesses may be able to be treated with antibiotics and warm compresses. Larger abscesses may require surgical drainage. The procedure involves making a small cut in the skin and draining the pus. After the drainage is complete, the wound is packed with gauze to keep it clean and promote healing.

Why is my Perianal Abscess Wound Not Closing?

There are a few possible reasons why a perianal abscess wound may not be closing. First, the wound may be infected. If the infection is not treated with antibiotics, the wound can become larger and more difficult to close. Second, the wound may not be packed properly. Packing the wound with gauze helps to keep the wound clean and promotes healing. If the wound is not packed properly, the healing process can be delayed. Finally, underlying medical conditions such as diabetes can slow down the healing process.

How Can I Speed Up the Healing Process?

There are a few steps you can take to speed up the healing process. First, make sure to take your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. This will help to treat any infection that may be present. Second, keep the wound clean and dry. Change the dressing regularly and make sure it is properly packed. Finally, talk to your doctor about any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the slow healing process.

When Should I See a Doctor?

If your perianal abscess wound is not closing, or if you have any other concerns, it is important to see your doctor. Your doctor can help determine the cause of the slow healing process and provide treatment to help speed up the healing process.


Active member
Perianal abscess wounds can be slow to close due to a few different factors. Infection can delay the healing process, as can the presence of foreign objects, such as drainage tubes. Additionally, the area around the wound may be prone to further infection, so it is important to keep it clean and dry. In some cases, surgery may be needed to help the wound close. If the wound doesn't appear to be healing after a week or two, it is important to speak to a doctor for further advice.


Active member
Perianal abscesses can be difficult to heal due to the area being highly vascular and prone to recurrent infection. The wound may take longer to heal if you have diabetes, poor nutrition, chronic illness, or an underlying medical condition. Additionally, poor hygiene, inadequate wound care, and repetitive trauma may also delay healing. To facilitate healing, be sure to keep the wound clean and dry, and use antibiotic ointments and dressings as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Additionally, eating a healthy diet, maintaining good hygiene habits, and reducing stress may help.


Active member
Q: How can I speed up the healing process of a perianal abscess wound?

To speed up the healing process of a perianal abscess wound, it is important to keep the area clean and free from infection. Regularly apply warm compresses to the affected area to reduce pain and swelling and encourage drainage. Take over-the-counter medications as directed to reduce inflammation and pain. Avoid activities that may cause further irritation, such as sitting for extended periods or strenuous exercise. Additionally, consider seeing a doctor for further advice or treatment, such as antibiotics or drainage of the abscess. Taking proper care of the wound is key to accelerating the healing process.