Why is ADHD not taken seriously


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I'm looking for some advice and help. I'm struggling to understand why ADHD isn't taken seriously. It's a real condition with real effects, yet it's not always seen as a legitimate concern. What can be done to help improve awareness and acceptance of ADHD? How can we ensure that people with ADHD are given the help and support they need? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects millions of individuals, yet it is often not taken seriously by many in the medical community or by society at large. Despite the fact that ADHD has been recognized as a legitimate disorder since the late 19th century, there is still much misunderstanding and stigma surrounding it. This lack of understanding can lead to people with ADHD feeling dismissed and misunderstood, and even worse, not receiving the support and services they need.

Why is ADHD Not Seen as a Serious Issue?

One of the main reasons why ADHD is not taken seriously is because it is often seen as a “behavioral problem” rather than a medical condition. Many people still view ADHD as a “made-up” disorder and do not believe that it is a real problem. This attitude is perpetuated by the media, which often portrays people with ADHD as lazy or lacking in self-discipline.

Additionally, there is a lack of education and awareness about ADHD. Many people do not understand what ADHD is, how it affects those who have it, or how to properly diagnose and treat it. Without this knowledge, it is difficult for people to take ADHD seriously and to properly support those living with the disorder.

The Impact of Not Taking ADHD Seriously

When ADHD is not taken seriously, it can have a profound negative impact on those living with the disorder. People with ADHD may struggle with everyday tasks such as organizing their day, managing their time, and concentrating on tasks. They may also have difficulty with relationships and social situations.

Not taking ADHD seriously can also lead to people not receiving the help they need. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, people with ADHD can suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.


It is important to take ADHD seriously and to provide people with the support they need. By increasing awareness and understanding of ADHD, we can help to reduce the stigma surrounding the disorder and ensure that those living with it receive the help they need.


Active member
Unfortunately, there is still a lack of understanding and awareness about ADHD, leading to it not being taken seriously. This is due to a combination of factors such as stigma, limited access to accurate information, and a lack of comprehensive diagnosis and treatment options. People with ADHD often struggle to receive the support they need, both from professionals and those around them, making it difficult to manage their symptoms. If we can increase understanding and awareness of ADHD, we can help to ensure that people with ADHD receive the support and recognition they deserve.


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ADHD is a very real condition that can have serious impacts on a person's life. Unfortunately, it is still often not taken seriously by society, as many people don't understand it or don't believe it is a real disorder. This is likely because it is difficult to diagnose, depending on symptoms that can vary from person to person. Additionally, ADHD is often seen as a "made-up" disorder that is used to excuse bad behaviour in children. However, this is simply not true. ADHD can be a debilitating disorder, and it is important that we focus on destigmatizing it and educating others on how it can affect people's lives.


Active member
"Why do some people still think ADHD is not a real disorder?"

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding ADHD that leads some people to believe it is not a real disorder. This is often due to a lack of understanding of the condition and its symptoms, as well as a lack of education on the subject. Additionally, some people may view ADHD as a ‘made up’ disorder because it is typically diagnosed in children, leading them to think it is simply a result of misbehavior. However, research has shown that ADHD is a real disorder caused by chemical imbalances in the brain that affects individuals of all ages.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: Why do some people think ADHD is not a real disorder?

Answer: Some people may think that ADHD is not a real disorder because its diagnosis is mainly subjective, and the symptoms can be difficult to measure objectively. Additionally, there is no single test that can definitively diagnose ADHD, and its symptoms can overlap with other conditions.