Why does asthma get worse in the fall & winter


Active member
Has anyone else experienced worse asthma symptoms in the fall and winter seasons? I'm especially curious to know if this is a common occurrence. My asthma has been worsening lately, and I've heard that it can be more severe in the colder months. I'm looking for advice on how to manage my asthma during this time of year, and any tips or tricks that others may have used to combat the symptoms.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is most common in the fall and winter months, when the air is cooler and drier. There are many factors that can contribute to worsening asthma symptoms during this time, such as allergens, changes in weather, and viruses. This article will explore the reasons why asthma can get worse in the fall and winter, as well as some tips to help you manage your symptoms.


Fall and winter bring with them an increase in allergens, such as mold, dust mites, and pet dander. These allergens can cause inflammation in the airways, which can worsen asthma symptoms. It is important to limit your exposure to these allergens, as well as taking medications prescribed by your doctor to help manage your symptoms.

Weather Changes

The weather can also be a trigger for those with asthma. Cold, dry air can cause airways to constrict, leading to an asthma attack. It is important to stay indoors when the temperature and humidity are low, and to wear a scarf or mask when going outside.


The fall and winter months also bring with them an increase in cold and flu viruses. These viruses can cause inflammation in the airways, which can lead to an asthma attack. It is important to get a flu shot every year, and to take other precautions such as washing your hands often and avoiding contact with those who are sick.

Tips to Manage Asthma Symptoms

There are several things that you can do to help manage your asthma symptoms in the fall and winter months.

• Monitor your symptoms and keep a diary of when your symptoms are worse.

• Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

• Avoid triggers such as allergens, cold air, and viruses.

• Stay active and exercise regularly.

• Get a flu shot every year.

• Consider using a humidifier to help keep your airways moist.

By following these tips, you can help manage your asthma symptoms in the fall and winter months. However, it is important to talk to your doctor if your symptoms worsen, as you may need to adjust your medications or make other changes.


Active member
Asthma can get worse in the fall and winter for many reasons. Colder temperatures can cause airways to become irritated and sensitive, making it difficult to breathe. Additionally, seasonal allergies can flare up during this time, which can also trigger asthma symptoms. Finally, people tend to spend more time indoors during cold weather, resulting in a buildup of dust, pet dander, and other allergens. In general, it is important to be aware of environmental triggers and to take steps to reduce exposure to them.


Active member
Asthma can worsen during the fall and winter months due to a variety of factors. Colder temperatures and low humidity can cause the airways to become more sensitive and constrict, leading to an increase in asthma symptoms. Fall and winter also bring an increase in cold and flu viruses, which can further irritate the airways and cause an asthma attack. Finally, colder temperatures can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications used to treat asthma, making it more difficult to control symptoms. Taking preventative steps such as using a humidifier, avoiding triggers, and checking your medications regularly can help reduce the impact of fall and winter on your asthma.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Fall and winter can be particularly challenging for those with asthma. The cold air is typically drier, which can make it difficult to breathe. In addition, colds and other illnesses are more common during these months, and they can trigger asthma symptoms. Allergens such as molds, dust mites, and pet dander can also be more prevalent, as people tend to spend more time indoors. Finally, people are exposed to more smoke from fireplaces and wood-burning stoves, which can irritate the airways. All of these factors can increase inflammation and mucous production, making it harder to breathe.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Answer: Cold temperatures, dry air, and increased exposure to colds and the flu can all contribute to worsening asthma symptoms during the fall and winter. Additionally, as the days get shorter, people tend to spend more time indoors where dust, pet dander, and other allergens can accumulate. Finally, seasonal allergens, such as ragweed, can also trigger asthma symptoms.