Why do narcissist prey on empaths


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I'm looking for help understanding why narcissists prey on empaths. I'm an empath myself, and I'm trying to gain more insight into why narcissists seek out empaths and why they become so drawn to them. I'm hoping to get some advice from other empaths who have gone through similar experiences, or those who may have some knowledge on the topic.


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Narcissists and Empaths: An Unhealthy Combination
Narcissists and empaths are two distinct personality types that can have a powerful effect on one another. Narcissists are characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Empaths, on the other hand, are highly sensitive to the emotions of others, often taking on the feelings of those around them. This combination of personalities can be an extremely unhealthy one, as narcissists often prey on empaths in order to get their own needs met.

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior
Narcissists are often characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a strong need for admiration and attention. They can be charming and persuasive, but they don't often show empathy or concern for the feelings of others. Narcissists can often be manipulative and exploitative, using their charm and charisma to get what they want from others.

The Allure of Empaths for Narcissists
Empaths are often an ideal target for narcissists, as they are highly sensitive and tend to be easily manipulated. Empaths can be attracted to the narcissist's charm and confidence, and they often want to help the narcissist and make them feel better. However, this can be a dangerous dynamic, as empaths can become easily overwhelmed by the narcissist's needs and demands. The empath may also feel guilty for not being able to help the narcissist, and this can lead to an unhealthy codependent relationship.

The Effects of a Narcissist-Empath Relationship
The effects of a relationship between a narcissist and an empath can be devastating for both parties. The empath may feel overwhelmed by the narcissist's demands and may find themselves constantly trying to please them. The empath may also find themselves feeling drained and exhausted by the relationship, as they are constantly giving of themselves without getting anything in return. The narcissist, meanwhile, may find themselves feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled, as their needs continue to go unmet.

Learning to Protect Yourself
It is important for both narcissists and empaths to learn to protect themselves in relationships. Empaths should be aware of the potential for manipulation and exploitation from narcissists, and they should take steps to set boundaries and protect their own emotional wellbeing. Narcissists should focus on developing empathy and understanding for others, and they should learn to recognize the needs of those around them. Both parties should strive to build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.