Why do my friends leave me out


Active member
"Hi everyone, I'm feeling really down and need some advice. Lately I've noticed that my friends have been leaving me out of their plans and conversations. It's really hurtful and I want to know why they're doing it. Have any of you experienced something like this before, and if so, what did you do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Reasons Why Friends Leave You Out

It can be very hurtful when your friends leave you out of things. Whether it’s a party, a group outing, or an inside joke, it can make you feel excluded and alone. It’s important to figure out why your friends are leaving you out and how you can address the issue.

Unintentional Exclusion

Sometimes friends leave you out without realizing it. They may be so caught up in their own social circles that they forget to invite you along. This is especially common when you have a large group of friends and you don’t all hang out together all the time. To address this, try talking to your friends about why you feel excluded. Let them know that you would like them to include you more often.

Lack of Interest

Your friends may also leave you out because you don’t share the same interests. If your friends are all into a certain activity or hobby and you don’t share their enthusiasm, they may not think to include you. To prevent this, try to get involved in the activities your friends enjoy. This will show them that you’re interested in spending time with them and give you things to talk about.


Sometimes friends can be jealous of each other. If one of your friends has a habit of leaving you out, it might be because they’re jealous of your success or popularity. To address this, talk to your friend and try to get to the root of the issue. Acknowledge their feelings and explain why you don’t think their jealousy is justified.

Age Difference

Friends may also leave you out because you’re not the same age. This can happen when you’re the youngest or the oldest in a group of friends. To address this, try to find common interests with your friends of different ages. This will show them that you’re just as capable of participating in their activities and that age doesn’t have to be a barrier.

Dealing With the Problem

When your friends leave you out, it’s important to figure out why and take steps to address the issue. Talk to your friends and let them know how their actions make you feel. Try to get involved in the activities they enjoy and show them that you’re interested in spending time with them. With a little effort, you can get your friends to include you more often.