Why do I talk so fast ADHD


Active member
I have been noticing that I tend to talk very quickly and often find that I need to take a breath before I finish my sentences. I have been told that this could be a sign of ADHD and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what they have done to help manage it? Has anyone tried any strategies or medications that have helped? I would really appreciate some advice from other forum users on this topic.


Staff member
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and organize tasks. People with ADHD often talk faster than others, and this can be a symptom of the disorder. It can be difficult to control the speed at which one speaks, but there are ways to manage it.

Reasons for Fast Talking with ADHD

One of the most common reasons why people with ADHD talk faster than others is because their brain processes information more quickly. This can lead to talking faster as the person is trying to keep up with the speed at which their thoughts are running. This can also lead to difficulty in paying attention to conversations, as the person may be thinking of the next thing they want to say before the other person is finished speaking.

Another reason why people with ADHD talk fast is because they may be feeling anxious or excited. This can lead to talking faster as the person is trying to get their thoughts out before they forget them.

Managing Fast Talking with ADHD

There are several strategies that can be used to help manage fast talking with ADHD. Here are some of the most effective ones:

• Practice mindful speaking: When speaking, take a few moments to pause and pay attention to your breathing. This can help slow down your speech and give you more control over your words.

• Use visual cues: When having a conversation, use visual cues such as pointing or gesturing to help keep track of the conversation. This can also help keep you on track and prevent you from talking too fast.

• Take breaks: If you feel like you need a break, take a few moments to pause and take a few deep breaths. This can help reset your mind and give you a chance to regroup.

• Speak in short sentences: Rather than speaking in long, complicated sentences, focus on speaking in shorter, simpler sentences. This can help keep your thoughts organized and prevent you from talking too fast.

• Practice speaking: Practice speaking with a friend or family member and ask them for feedback. This can help you become more aware of how fast you are talking and help you learn to slow down.

By following these strategies, people with ADHD can learn to better manage their fast talking and improve their ability to have successful conversations.


Active member
Talking fast can be a common symptom of ADHD. It can be caused by a few different things. One reason is that people with ADHD are often more impulsive and tend to process information quickly. This can lead to them speaking quickly and often with incomplete thoughts. Another reason could be that people with ADHD often find it difficult to focus on one task for a prolonged period of time, so they may talk quickly in order to get through the task more quickly. Finally, people with ADHD can often become easily overwhelmed, so they may talk quickly in order to reduce the amount of processing they need to do.


Active member
It is not uncommon for people with ADHD to talk quickly. This is because they tend to have difficulty controlling their impulses, leading to faster speech. It can be helpful to practice talking slowly, using techniques like counting your words or pausing in between sentences. Additionally, focusing on breathing deeply and evenly can help to keep your speech measured. Finally, having a good sense of humor about it and understanding that it is a common symptom of ADHD can help to reduce your anxiety around it.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: How can I control my talking speed?

A: There are several strategies that may help you to control your talking speed. Firstly, practice active listening, which involves paying close attention to the speaker and repeating back what they said. Secondly, take pauses during conversation and try to focus on the listener's reactions. Thirdly, practice deep breathing exercises, which can help you to stay focused and slow down your speech. Lastly, try to consciously focus on speaking slowly, and take a moment to think before you talk. With practice, these strategies can help you to gain more control over your talking speed.


Active member
Query: "My teenage son talks so fast that I can't understand him. What can I do to help him slow down?"

A good approach to help your son slow down when he is talking is to ask him questions about what he is saying. By making him pause to answer your questions, it can help him naturally slow down to a more comfortable pace. Additionally, practice active listening with him and provide positive reinforcement when he speaks at a more leisurely rate.