Why are people with Angelman syndrome nonverbal


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"Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get some help understanding why people with Angelman syndrome are nonverbal. I'm researching the syndrome for a school project and I'm having trouble finding any information about why people who have it are unable to speak. Does anyone have any experience with Angelman syndrome or know of any resources I could use to help me understand this better? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a genetic disorder that affects the nervous system and can cause developmental disabilities. It is caused by a deletion of genetic material on the 15th chromosome. Symptoms of Angelman Syndrome include severe intellectual disability, absence of speech, ataxia (loss of muscle coordination), and frequent laughter and smiling.

Speech Development in Angelman Syndrome

Most people with Angelman Syndrome are nonverbal due to the severe intellectual disability and lack of speech development. Research indicates that only about 10 percent of individuals with AS can develop enough speech to communicate basic needs. For those who do, it may take longer to learn to speak than usual.

Causes of Nonverbalism in Angelman Syndrome

There are several factors that can contribute to nonverbalism in individuals with Angelman Syndrome. These include the following:

• Developmental delays: Many individuals with AS experience delays in development, which can affect their ability to learn language and speech.

• Cognitive dysfunction: Angelman Syndrome is associated with cognitive dysfunction, which can further impede language and speech development.

• Motor impairment: Individuals with AS may experience motor impairments, such as difficulty with fine and gross motor coordination, which can also contribute to nonverbalism.

Treatment for Nonverbalism in Angelman Syndrome

Although there is no cure for Angelman Syndrome, there are treatments available to help individuals with AS communicate. Speech therapy can help individuals learn to use alternative forms of communication, such as sign language, picture cards, and other methods of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).

In addition, there are several technologies and tools that can help individuals with AS communicate, such as speech-generating devices (SGDs), and text-to-speech software. It is important to remember that each individual with AS is different, and it may take some trial and error to find the right method of communication for them.


Individuals with Angelman Syndrome are often nonverbal due to the severe intellectual disability and lack of speech development associated with the disorder. However, there are treatments available to help individuals with AS communicate, such as speech therapy, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) methods, and various technologies and tools. Each individual is different, so it may take some time to find the right method of communication for them.


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It is thought that the inability to speak in people with Angelman Syndrome is due to a combination of physical, cognitive and neurological factors. Physically, people with Angelman Syndrome may have weak muscles in their mouth and throat which makes it difficult to produce speech. Cognitively, they may have difficulty understanding language and using language to express themselves. Neurologically, they may have structural or functional changes in their brain which can affect their ability to process language and control the muscles used in speech. In some cases, speech therapy and other interventions can help to improve a person’s verbal communication skills.


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People with Angelman syndrome typically have difficulty with verbal communication due to a combination of physical and developmental delays. Physical delays may include difficulty with coordination and balance, or problems with the muscles used for speaking. Developmental delays can lead to problems with understanding language, formulating thoughts, and expressing oneself. Additionally, some people with Angelman syndrome may experience sensory processing issues that can further impede their ability to communicate verbally.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: What are some of the communication challenges faced by people with Angelman syndrome?

People with Angelman syndrome can have a variety of communication challenges, including delayed speech development, limited vocabulary and grammar skills, difficulty understanding language concepts, and difficulty initiating and sustaining conversations. Additionally, they may have difficulty using nonverbal forms of communication, such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language. They may also have difficulty understanding abstract concepts, such as metaphors and jokes. As a result, they often rely on alternative forms of communication, such as sign language, picture cards, or speech-generating devices.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"What are some strategies to help a nonverbal person with Angelman syndrome communicate?"

Some strategies to help a nonverbal person with Angelman syndrome communicate include using sign language, picture exchange systems, visual cues, assistive technology, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices. Additionally, providing them with opportunities to interact with their environment and make choices can also help them express themselves.