Why are introverts not talkative


Active member
I'm looking for some help understanding why introverts are not usually talkative. I'm an introvert myself and I'm trying to understand why I don't feel comfortable talking to a lot of people, even if I find them interesting. Does anyone else have experience with this? Are there any strategies that I can use to become more comfortable talking to people I don't know? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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What is an Introvert?

An introvert is a person who tends to be more inwardly focused, and less likely to enjoy large group activities. They prefer to spend time alone or with a few close friends, and generally don’t like to be the center of attention. Introverts may appear to be shy or aloof, but they are simply more comfortable with their own thoughts and feelings than those of others.

Why Are Introverts Not Talkative?

Introverts typically do not enjoy small talk, and may not be as willing to engage in conversation as an extrovert would. This is because introverts prefer deeper conversations that allow them to explore their own thoughts and feelings, as well as those of the people they are talking to. They often need time to think before they jump into a conversation, and may not feel the need to fill the silence with words. Additionally, some introverts may have difficulty expressing themselves in larger groups, and may feel overwhelmed if they are expected to be the center of attention.