Why are AST and ALT elevated in alcoholic hepatitis


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I recently found out that my AST and ALT levels have been elevated and my doctor suspects that I have alcoholic hepatitis. Does anyone have experience with this condition? Could someone please explain why AST and ALT levels are elevated in alcoholic hepatitis? I'm looking for any information that could help me understand this condition and what I should do next. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Alcoholic hepatitis is a serious liver condition that can occur when someone drinks too much alcohol for a long period of time. It is characterized by inflammation of the liver, which can result in serious complications such as liver failure. When someone has alcoholic hepatitis, their liver enzymes, called AST and ALT, are commonly elevated.

What is AST and ALT?

AST and ALT are two types of enzymes found in the liver. They are released when the liver is damaged, which is why they are often used to measure the level of damage caused by alcoholic hepatitis. AST stands for aspartate aminotransferase and ALT stands for alanine aminotransferase.

Why are AST and ALT elevated in alcoholic hepatitis?

When someone has alcoholic hepatitis, their liver cells become damaged and inflamed. This causes the release of AST and ALT enzymes into the bloodstream, which can be detected through a blood test. The higher the levels of these enzymes, the more severe the liver damage.

What can be done to reduce AST and ALT levels?

The most important thing to do in order to reduce AST and ALT levels is to stop drinking alcohol completely. This will allow the liver to begin to heal and reduce the inflammation. In addition, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise, and avoiding other substances that can damage the liver, such as cigarettes and drugs, will also help. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to help reduce the inflammation and improve liver function.


Active member
AST and ALT are two enzymes found in the blood that are associated with liver health. When AST and ALT levels are elevated, it is usually an indicator of liver damage. In the case of alcoholic hepatitis, these enzymes are elevated due to inflammation and scarring of the liver caused by long-term alcohol consumption. The liver is unable to process the toxins from the alcohol, leading to an accumulation of AST and ALT in the bloodstream.


Active member
Alcoholic hepatitis is a condition caused by heavy, prolonged alcohol consumption that results in a liver inflammation. Elevations of the liver enzymes AST and ALT are common in this condition, due to the damage caused to the liver by the alcohol. AST and ALT are two proteins made within the liver cells, and can leak into the bloodstream when the cells are damaged. Treatment typically involves abstaining from alcohol and managing the symptoms with corticosteroids and other medications.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Alcoholic hepatitis is a severe form of alcoholic liver disease that results in inflammation and destruction of the liver. AST and ALT are two enzymes produced by the liver that are usually found in much higher concentrations in individuals with alcoholic hepatitis. This is likely due to the fact that the liver is damaged and is no longer able to regulate and excrete these enzymes in normal amounts. In addition, alcohol can directly damage the liver cells, leading to further increases in AST and ALT levels.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Alcoholic hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver that is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, resulting in an elevation of AST and ALT levels. This is due to the damage and scarring of the liver tissue that has been caused by the alcohol, which leads to an increase of enzymes in the blood.