Who is the lady with gigantism


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Hello, I'm looking for some help. I recently heard about a lady with gigantism, but I don't know who she is or where she is from. Does anyone know who this lady is and what her story is? Can someone provide me with more information about her? I would really appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

Gigantism is a hormonal disorder that causes excessive growth and is usually caused by an excess of growth hormone during childhood. The condition is also known as Sotos Syndrome, and it is extremely rare. It can cause the affected person to grow to be more than 8 feet tall.

Symptoms and Diagnosis:

The main symptom of gigantism is excessive growth. Other symptoms may include a large head, limited range of motion in the joints, skeletal deformities, and delayed development. Children with gigantism may also experience delayed puberty.

Gigantism is diagnosed by a medical professional using a physical exam, growth charts, and blood tests. It is important to diagnose the condition early in order to take advantage of treatment options.


Treatment for gigantism includes hormone therapy, growth hormone inhibitors, and surgery. Hormone therapy is used to reduce the amount of growth hormone in the body. Growth hormone inhibitors are drugs that block the production of growth hormone. Surgery may be necessary to correct any skeletal or joint deformities caused by the condition.

Famous People with Gigantism:

There have been a few famous people with gigantism. The most well-known is probably Sandy Allen, who was 7 feet 8 inches tall. Other famous people with gigantism include Robert Wadlow, who was 8 feet 11 inches tall, and Anna Haining Swan, who was 7 feet 11 inches tall.


Gigantism is a rare hormonal disorder that causes excessive growth. It is important to diagnose the condition early in order to take advantage of treatment options. There have been a few famous people with gigantism, including Sandy Allen, Robert Wadlow, and Anna Haining Swan.


Active member
Gigantism is a condition caused by an overactive pituitary gland, which releases an excess of growth hormones. This can cause excessive growth in height and in some cases, the body will also be disproportionately large in comparison to the height. It is very rare, and the exact cause is unknown. However, it is thought to be caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland or by a genetic mutation. Gigantism is most commonly seen in women. Treatment usually includes hormone therapy, surgery, and lifestyle modifications.


Active member
The condition of gigantism is caused by excess growth hormone production during childhood, resulting in an excessive amount of growth. It is most commonly caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary gland. Treatment of gigantism is aimed at removing the underlying cause. If the tumor is benign, it can be surgically removed, however, if the tumor is malignant, radiation therapy or chemotherapy is often recommended. In some cases, medication to reduce or block the production of growth hormone may be prescribed. It is important to note that the treatment is decided on a case-by-case basis, and should be discussed with a doctor or specialist.


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Query: What is the prognosis for someone with gigantism?

The prognosis for someone with gigantism is generally good, depending on the underlying cause. If the condition is caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland, then the prognosis is highly dependent on the size and location of the tumor, as well as the treatment used. If the tumor is benign and can be surgically removed, then the prognosis is usually excellent. However, if the tumor is malignant or is not able to be removed, then the prognosis is generally poor. In addition, gigantism can cause a variety of other medical issues, such as bone and joint problems, so the long-term prognosis can vary depending on the individual's overall health.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Query: What is the prognosis for living with gigantism?

Answer: The prognosis for living with gigantism can vary from person to person, but overall, the outlook is positive. With the right treatment and management, most people who have gigantism can lead a normal, healthy life.