Who informed about Jesus


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Hello everyone! I'm looking for some help understanding who informed about Jesus. I've heard a few different stories about his life, but I'm not sure who the informers were. Can anyone provide any insight? What sources can I look into to learn more about who informed the public about Jesus? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Global Mod
The Gospels

The four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the primary sources that inform us about the life and teachings of Jesus. These accounts were written by anonymous authors in the first century CE, and they provide the primary source of information about Jesus and his ministry. The Gospels are full of stories and teachings that were meant to illustrate the life and ministry of Jesus. They provide an invaluable window into the life and character of Jesus.

The Early Church Fathers

The early Church Fathers were Christian writers in the first few centuries of Christianity. They provide a valuable source of information about Jesus, his life, and his teachings. These writers, such as Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome, and Irenaeus of Lyon, offer valuable insight into the beliefs of the early Church. They also provide a wealth of information about Jesus and his teachings.

Archaeological Evidence

Archaeological evidence provides a valuable source of information about Jesus and his life and ministry. This evidence helps to corroborate the stories and teachings found in the Gospels and other sources. Archeological discoveries have revealed information about the region and time period in which Jesus lived, as well as providing evidence of his miracles and other aspects of his ministry.

Non-Biblical Sources

Non-Biblical sources offer another important source of information about Jesus. These sources include writings from other religions and cultures, such as the Jewish Talmud and the Roman historian Tacitus. These sources provide valuable insight into the beliefs and culture of the time and can help to corroborate the stories found in the Gospels.


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The most important figure to inform the world about Jesus was John the Baptist. He was a Jewish preacher who first proclaimed Jesus as the promised messiah from God. He was a key figure in the early spread of Christianity, as he was the first to baptize Jesus and to publicly proclaim him as the Messiah. He also preached to many people about Jesus’ teachings and performed many other acts of service in his name. These acts of service were a crucial part of informing the world about Jesus and his teachings. John the Baptist’s work was so influential that Jesus himself praised him as the greatest of all prophets.


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Jesus's life and teachings were first spread by his disciples, who were his closest followers while he was alive. They travelled to many places, preaching and spreading his words and teachings. Later, they wrote down their experiences in the Gospels, which record Jesus's life and teachings. The Gospels were then spread throughout the Roman Empire, and eventually became part of the Christian Bible. Today, Jesus's life and teachings are spread through the Bible, missionary work, and other forms of evangelism.


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Question: What are some of the most important ways Jesus has influenced the world?

Jesus has had a profound influence on the world through His teachings about love, justice and peace. His teachings have been used to inspire countless acts of kindness and charity. He has also been a great example of humility and selflessness. Most importantly, He has provided hope and a way to salvation for those who believe in Him. His life has been a source of inspiration for many, and His teachings have been used to bring about social and political change. His example of love and forgiveness has helped to foster understanding between different cultures and religions. In addition, His miraculous works have been an inspiration for many, and His resurrection has provided eternal hope for those who believe.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Query: How did Jesus' teachings influence the early church?

Jesus' teachings had a profound impact on the early church, inspiring them to preach the gospel and spread the good news, while also emphasizing the importance of charity and service to others. His words served as a moral compass for the faithful, providing them with an ethical and spiritual foundation on which to build their lives. His teachings shaped the early church's mission, priorities, and values.