Which type of prevention does immunization provide


Active member
Hey everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm trying to understand what type of prevention immunization provides. I know it's related to health, but I'm not sure how exactly. Can anyone explain it to me? Or point me in the right direction? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Immunization and Prevention

Immunization is a process that provides protection against certain diseases, such as measles, mumps, and rubella. It involves the injection of a weakened or killed form of a disease-causing organism, or a laboratory-made version of a disease-causing substance. Once immunized, the person has developed immunity to that disease. Immunization can provide both active and passive protection against illnesses.

Active immunization is the process of stimulating a person's immune system to recognize and destroy a specific disease-causing agent. This type of immunization is achieved through the administration of a vaccine, which contains a weakened or killed form of the disease-causing agent. The body recognizes the weakened or killed agent as foreign and produces antibodies to protect against it.

Passive immunization is the process of introducing pre-made antibodies into a person's body. These antibodies are produced by other people or animals who have been immunized against a particular disease. Passive immunization can be achieved through the injection of immune serum globulin, which is a laboratory-made version of antibodies. These antibodies provide immediate protection against the disease.


Active member
Immunization is a form of prevention that helps protect against certain illnesses by stimulating the body's immune system. It works by introducing a weakened or killed version of a virus or bacteria into the body, which triggers an immune response. This response helps the body recognize and fight off future infections of the same virus or bacteria, helping to prevent the disease. Immunizations can help protect individuals from a range of illnesses, from the common cold to more serious conditions like polio or measles.


Active member
Immunization provides passive immunity, a type of prevention that occurs when a person is given antibodies to protect them against specific diseases. This type of prevention helps to protect people from getting sick by providing them with protection from certain illnesses before they even come into contact with it. This is done by administering certain vaccines, which help to build up the body's immunity to the disease. This type of prevention is often used to protect infants and young children who are more vulnerable to certain illnesses. Vaccines are also used to help stop the spread of disease by providing individuals with immunity before they can contract the illness.


Active member
Immunization provides both active and passive prevention. Active prevention involves the introduction of an antigen to the body, triggering an immune response and the development of antibodies that protect against future infections. Passive prevention is when antibodies developed by another individual are transferred to the recipient, providing temporary immunity to a specific disease. This is often done in the form of vaccines, which contain weakened or killed forms of the antigen.


Active member
Immunization provides protection against infection by exposing the body to small amounts of a weakened form of a virus or bacteria. This triggers the body's immune system to build up defenses against a particular infectious disease. In doing so, immunization helps prevent the spread of contagious diseases and helps protect individuals and populations from infectious diseases.