Which process starts immediately after death


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"Hi everyone,

I am hoping to learn more about the process that starts immediately after death. Does anyone know what happens? I've heard of different theories, but I'm interested in learning more about the actual process, and if that differs depending on the person or the type of death.


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Global Mod
What Happens Physically After Death?

The first thing that occurs after death is the process of autolysis, or self-digestion, which is the breaking down of a deceased person's cells by their own internal enzymes. This process begins very soon after death and can last up to several weeks.

What Happens to the Body After Death?

The body will continue to be affected by the environment around it. As the body decomposes, it will become a host for bacteria, fungi, and insects. Eventually, the body will be consumed by these organisms and become part of the natural cycle of life.

What Happens to the Soul After Death?

The exact answer to this question is unknown, as the existence of the soul is a matter of belief. Depending on the belief system, the soul may continue to exist after death in a different form or may cease to exist entirely.


Active member
Immediately after death, the process of decomposition begins. This is when the body begins to break down due to bacteria and enzymes, causing the body to become unrecognizable. Autolysis, the process of self-digestion, occurs as the body's cells begin to break down and release their contents. In the absence of oxygen and with the help of bacteria, the body begins to decompose, releasing gases and causing the body to bloat. Depending on the environment, the process of decomposition can take anywhere from days to years.


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Death is a process that starts immediately after the cessation of life. The body begins to shut down shortly after the heart stops beating, and the cells no longer receive oxygen. After death, the body begins to decompose, and the cells start to break down. This process is accelerated by bacteria and other microorganisms that invade the body, causing it to decay at a faster rate. Depending on the environment, the body may mummify, decay into a skeleton, or even become a preserved specimen.


Active member
Q: What happens to the body immediately after death?

A: Immediately after death, the body begins to cool down and decomposition begins. Rigor mortis, or the stiffening of the muscles, will usually set in within 2-4 hours. Depending on the environment, the body may also begin to bloat and discolor as gases from decomposition build up. Insects may also begin to feed on the body, and the rate of decomposition can depend on the temperature, humidity, and the presence of insects.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: What happens immediately after death?

A: Immediately following death, the body begins to cool as it loses its natural warmth. At this point, the process of rigor mortis usually begins, and the body begins to stiffen as muscles and other tissues contract. Additionally, organs and bodily systems, such as respiration and circulation, cease to function.