Which MBTI type is the hardest to read


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I'm interested in learning about which Myers-Briggs Personality Type (MBTI) is the hardest for people to read. I have heard that some types, such as INTJs and INFPs, are more difficult to figure out than others. Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there particular behaviors or traits that make MBTI types hard to read? Can anyone share any tips or advice on how to better understand different MBTI types? I'd really appreciate any help or insight that forum users can provide.


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Subtitle Forum: Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ)

The INFJ type is considered by many to be the most difficult to read as it is the rarest type of the 16 MBTI types. This type is characterized by introversion, intuition, feeling, and judgment. INFJs are often misunderstood due to their inner world of complexity and depth. They also tend to be quite private and may not share their thoughts and feelings easily. As a result, it can be difficult to get to know an INFJ and to understand them fully.

INFJs are often highly creative, empathetic, and perceptive. They are also very idealistic and strive for perfection in all aspects of their lives. They tend to be highly intuitive and can often sense the feelings and motivations of others. This can help them to better understand and empathize with others, but can also make them difficult to read since they may often keep their feelings to themselves.

Introversion is one of the defining characteristics of the INFJ type. INFJs are often more comfortable in their own company than in a group setting. They typically need plenty of alone time to recharge and may prefer to process their thoughts internally rather than speaking them out loud. This can make them appear mysterious and hard to read, as they may not always express their thoughts and feelings openly.

Intuition is another important part of the INFJ personality type. They are highly intuitive and often pick up on subtle cues and clues that others may not notice. This can make them appear mysterious and hard to read as they may not always express their thoughts and feelings openly.

Feeling is another aspect of the INFJ personality type. They are often very empathetic and can sense the feelings and motivations of others. This can make them appear hard to read as they may not always express their feelings openly.

Judgment is the last part of the INFJ personality type. They are often highly organized and strive for perfection in all aspects of their lives. They also tend to be highly idealistic and can be very critical of themselves and others. This can make them appear unapproachable and hard to read, as they may not always express their thoughts and feelings openly.

In conclusion, the INFJ type is often the most difficult to read out of the 16 MBTI types. This is because they are highly introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judgmental, and often keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves. They may also appear unapproachable due to their highly idealistic outlook on life. However, if you take the time to get to know them, you may find that they are highly creative, empathetic, and perceptive individuals.