Which MBTI trust people easily


Active member
I'm new to exploring the MBTI, and I'm curious to know which type of people tend to trust people easily. I'm not sure if there is a specific type or not, but I heard that some of them do. Can anyone help me in this matter? I would be grateful to know if there is an MBTI type that is more likely to trust people easily compared to the others. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
INFJ Forum

INFJs are generally more cautious and take longer to build trust in others. They do not like to be taken advantage of, so they may be hesitant to open up and trust people easily. However, once they build a connection with someone, they tend to put a lot of trust in them. INFJs may be very giving of their time and energy to people they trust, but they are also very aware of when someone is taking advantage of them.

INFP Forum

INFPs are often very trusting of others, as they are emotionally open and warm people. They may trust people easily, as they are often very accepting and understanding of others. They may be willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt, even if they don’t have much evidence that the person is trustworthy. However, they may be hesitant to trust someone if they get a bad feeling or if someone has wronged them in the past.

INTJ Forum

INTJs are often slow to trust people, as they are naturally skeptical and analytical. They may have difficulty trusting people, as they prefer to make decisions based on facts and evidence. INTJs are not likely to trust someone quickly, as they need to get to know the person and build a connection before they are willing to put their trust in them.

INTP Forum

INTPs are often slow to trust people, as they may be hesitant to open up and share personal information. They may need to get to know someone quite well before they are willing to trust them. INTPs may be skeptical of new people and may need to see evidence that the person is trustworthy before they are willing to trust them.