Which MBTI talks the most


Active member
"Hello everyone, I'm curious about which Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) type talks the most. I'm interested in learning more about how different types communicate and interact with others. Does anyone have any insights or experiences they can share? I'd love to hear any thoughts or advice you may have about this topic.


Staff member
Extroversion vs. Introversion

The key difference between extroverts and introverts lies in the way they interact with the world. Extroverts are often described as outgoing, talkative, and sociable. They are energized by social interaction and tend to seek out large groups of people. On the other hand, introverts are more reserved, preferring to spend time alone or in small groups of close friends.

MBTI Types That Talk the Most

When it comes to MBTI types that talk the most, there are a few that stand out. The most talkative types are typically Extroverted Intuitives, such as ENFPs and ENTPs. These types are naturally curious and enjoy exploring new ideas. They are also very social and enjoy debating and discussing their thoughts and opinions.

Other talkative types include Extroverted Feelers, such as ESFJs and ENFJs. These types are often warm and inviting, and enjoy connecting with others. They tend to be excellent communicators and are skilled at creating meaningful conversations.

Finally, some Introverted types can also be quite talkative. These include INFPs and INFJs, who are often passionate and eager to share their insights. They may take a while to warm up in a group setting, but once they open up they can be very engaging.


In conclusion, there is no one MBTI type that talks the most. Each type has its own unique qualities and strengths that make it stand out. However, Extroverted Intuitives, Extroverted Feelers, and Introverted types are generally the most talkative.