Which MBTI loves writing


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Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm curious about which MBTI type loves writing. I'm interested in understanding the personality traits of people who enjoy writing and I'm wondering if anyone has any insights or experiences with this topic. Can anyone tell me which type(s) of people tend to enjoy writing and why? Are there any tips or advice for writing that each type might find helpful? I'm open to any thoughts and ideas people may have on the subject.


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ENFJ (Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging): This type loves writing because it is a creative outlet that allows them to express their feelings in an organized and thoughtful way. ENFJs are often enthusiastic about writing and enjoy using it as an opportunity to express their unique perspectives and ideas. They are often seen as gifted writers who are able to articulate their thoughts and feelings in a concise and eloquent manner.

INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging): This type loves writing because it is a safe outlet for their inner thoughts and feelings. Writing allows INFJs to express themselves without feeling judged or misunderstood. They often take pleasure in crafting thoughtful stories and articles that capture the nuances of their experiences and feelings. INFJs are often seen as talented writers who can write thought-provoking and emotionally-driven pieces.

ENFP (Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving): This type loves writing because it provides them with an opportunity to express their creative and imaginative thoughts and ideas. ENFPs enjoy using writing as a way to explore and express their unique perspectives and ideas in a creative and organized manner. They often enjoy crafting stories and articles that capture the nuances of their experiences and feelings.

INFP (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving): This type loves writing because it is an expressive outlet for their inner thoughts and feelings. Writing allows INFPs to express themselves without feeling judged or misunderstood. They often take pleasure in crafting thoughtful stories and articles that capture the nuances of their experiences and feelings. INFPs are often seen as talented writers who can write thought-provoking and emotionally-driven pieces.