Which MBTI is the most social


Active member
I'm curious to know which MBTI type is the most social. I'm familiar with the different MBTI types, but I'm still unsure which one is the most social and outgoing. Does anyone have any experience or opinions on this topic? I'd love to hear what other MBTI users have to say about which MBTI type is the most social and why.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Extroverts and Socialization

When considering which Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type is the most social, it is important to note that all four of the MBTI personality types have the capacity to be social. The primary difference between the four types is whether they prefer to interact with people and the world primarily through an extroverted or introverted lens. Extroverts, who make up the majority of the population, prefer to focus on the outer world of people and objects and take in information primarily through their senses. On the other hand, introverts prefer to focus on their inner world of ideas and take in information primarily through their intuition.

MBTI Types and Socialization

The MBTI personality types that are most likely to be social are those with extroverted tendencies. These include the ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, and ENTP types. These types are known for their ability to socialize and enjoy interacting with others. They generally have an outgoing attitude and are comfortable in social situations.

The MBTI personality types that are least likely to be social are those with introverted tendencies. These include the ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, and INTP types. These types are often more reserved and prefer to stay within their own comfort zone. They may find socializing and interacting with others to be more challenging and uncomfortable.


Overall, it is difficult to determine which MBTI personality type is the most social as all four types have the capacity to be social and interact with others. However, those with extroverted tendencies are more likely to be social and enjoy interacting with others. On the other hand, those with introverted tendencies may find socializing and interacting with others to be more challenging.