Which MBTI is the least talking


Active member
I'm looking to find out which MBTI personality type is the least talkative. I've read a few things about introverts being quieter than extroverts, but I'm not sure if this applies to all MBTI types. Does anyone have any insight or knowledge on this topic? What have you seen in your own experience or research? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a system of psychological classification that helps identify how individuals interact with the world around them. Each individual is assigned a four-letter MBTI “type” that reflects their overall tendencies in how they interact with others, think and make decisions. While no type is inherently “better” than another, some types are more talkative than others. So, which MBTI is the least talking?

Subtitle INTP

The INTP, or Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiver, is one of the least talkative MBTI types. INTPs are logical, analytical and reserved, preferring to be alone or in small groups. They are typically quiet in large social gatherings and can often be mistaken for being shy or aloof. They are more likely to express themselves through writing or art than through verbal communication.

Subtitle ISTJ

The ISTJ, or Introverted Sensing Thinking Judger, is also a relatively quiet MBTI type. ISTJs are practical, logical and highly organized, preferring to be left alone to complete tasks. They don’t usually talk unless they have something important to say, and when they do, their words tend to be to the point and free of emotion. They are more likely to take time to think before they speak, so they often come across as quiet and serious.

Subtitle ISFJ

The ISFJ, or Introverted Sensing Feeling Judger, is another MBTI type that is usually quiet and introspective. ISFJs are warm, caring and loyal, but tend to be shy and withdrawn. They prefer to be in the background and rarely take the lead in conversations, instead preferring to listen and observe. They are more likely to express themselves through nonverbal communication than through talking.

Subtitle INFJ

Finally, the INFJ, or Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judger, is another MBTI type that is relatively quiet and introspective. INFJs are creative, intuitive and often have a deep understanding of people and emotions. They are usually quiet in large social gatherings, preferring to observe and listen rather than talk. They are more likely to express themselves through writing or art than through verbal communication.

In conclusion, the least talkative MBTI types are the INTP, ISTJ, ISFJ and INFJ. These types tend to be more introspective and reserved, preferring to observe and listen rather than take the lead in conversations. They are more likely to express themselves through writing or art than through verbal communication.