Which MBTI is least likely to cry


Active member
Hey everyone, I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into which MBTI type is least likely to cry? I'm interested in learning more about how different personality types approach emotions and how they might differ when it comes to crying. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences they'd like to share? Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

INFJs are often thought to be the least likely to cry. This is because INFJs are often seen as highly emotionally intelligent, and so they are able to keep their emotions in check and manage them better than other types. INFJs are also known for their strong intuition, which allows them to understand and empathize with the feelings of others without necessarily being overwhelmed by them. As a result, INFJs are often able to keep their emotions in check and avoid crying in public.


INTJs are also known for their emotional control, so they are not likely to cry in public either. INTJs are known for their logical and analytical thinking, and they are often able to understand the logic behind their emotions and understand how to manage them. INTJs also have a strong sense of self-awareness, so they understand how their emotions can affect others and how to contain them. As a result, INTJs are often able to prevent themselves from crying in public.


ENTJs are not known for their emotional control, so they are typically more likely to cry in public than INFJs or INTJs. ENTJs have a strong need to be in control of their emotions, but they can often struggle to do this. ENTJs often feel overwhelmed by their emotions, and they may not be able to contain them in the same way as INFJs or INTJs. As a result, ENTJs are typically more likely to cry in public than other types.


Overall, INFJs and INTJs are the least likely to cry in public, while ENTJs are the most likely. This is because INFJs and INTJs are more likely to have better emotional control and be able to understand and manage their emotions in a more effective way. Meanwhile, ENTJs often struggle to contain their emotions and may not be able to prevent themselves from crying in public.