Which MBTI cares most


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Hey everyone,

I'm new here and I'm looking for some help with a question I have about MBTI. I'm wondering which MBTI type would be considered the most caring? I'm curious because I'm trying to better understand myself and those around me, and I think it could be an interesting topic to explore.

Does anyone have any insight on this topic that they would be willing to share? I would really appreciate any advice or perspective that you might have.


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Subtitle Forum: Which MBTI Cares Most

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an assessment used to measure a person’s psychological preferences in how they perceive the world and make decisions. The MBTI has 16 different personality types, each taking into account a person’s cognitive functions and attitudes. It can be difficult to determine which type of person cares most, as everyone’s individual traits and experiences will vary. However, there are some general trends that can be observed from the different MBTI types.

Extraverted Feeling

Extraverted feeling types are highly attuned to people’s emotions and are highly social. They tend to be very caring and empathetic, and are often highly sensitive to other people’s needs. They tend to be very outwardly focused, preferring to express their feelings and concerns to others. They are often seen as the most caring of the MBTI types, as they are able to take into account the feelings of others and respond accordingly.

Introverted Feeling

Introverted feeling types are more internally focused and are less likely to express their feelings to others. They tend to be more reserved and may appear less caring than their extraverted feeling counterparts. However, this is not necessarily the case, as introverted feeling types are often deeply compassionate and caring individuals. They may be less likely to outwardly express this caring, but it is often felt by those close to them.


Thinking types tend to be more rational and logical in their decision making. They are often seen as less caring than other types, as they may be less likely to take into account the feelings of others. However, thinking types are often deeply caring in their own way, as they may be able to provide objective advice and guidance on difficult matters.


Intuitive types are often seen as the most caring of the MBTI types, as they are often highly attuned to the feelings of others. Intuitive types are often sensitive to the needs of others and are often more likely to show compassion and understanding. They are also often more willing to take risks and be creative when trying to help others.

Overall, it is difficult to determine which MBTI type cares most, as everyone’s individual traits and experiences will vary. However, there are some general trends that can be observed from the different MBTI types. Extraverted feeling types tend to be the most outwardly caring, as they are highly attuned to people’s emotions and are highly social. Introverted feeling types can often be deeply compassionate and caring, but may be less likely to outwardly express this. Thinking types can often provide objective advice and guidance, while intuitive types are often more likely to take risks and be creative when trying to help others.