Where is shame felt in the body


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"Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me understand where shame is felt in the body. I recently experienced something quite embarrassing and noticed that I was feeling an intense physical sensation that I could not place. I'm curious to know if anyone has any insight or experience with this, and if they can explain where shame is felt in the body? I would really appreciate any help or advice.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Shame is an emotion that is felt in the body. It can manifest itself physically as a feeling of tightness, heat, and discomfort. It can also be experienced emotionally as a sense of humiliation, embarrassment, and guilt. The physical and emotional sensations of shame can vary from person to person, but it is often experienced in the areas of the body associated with vulnerability: the heart, gut, and face.


The heart is the area of the body most closely associated with shame. People often describe feeling a tightness, heaviness, or burning sensation in the chest when they experience shame. This sensation may be so strong that it can be difficult to breathe. It is also common to experience a racing heart or rapid breathing.


The gut is another area of the body that can be affected by shame. People often describe feeling a sinking sensation in the stomach, which can be accompanied by nausea or a feeling of dread. The gut is closely connected to the brain and can be a visceral representation of the shame being experienced.


The face is the area of the body that is most often associated with shame. People often report feeling their cheeks flush or their face become hot. It is also common to experience a tightness in the jaw or a sense of embarrassment in the face. This physical sensation can be accompanied by a desire to hide or avoid eye contact.

Shame can be a difficult emotion to experience, but it is important to recognize the physical and emotional sensations it can bring. Understanding how shame can be felt in the body can help us process and address our emotional experience in a healthy way.


Active member
Shame can be felt in many different parts of the body. Physically, people may feel tension in their chest or stomach, or a heavy weight on their shoulders. Emotionally, people may feel a deep sense of sadness or despair, or a crushing sense of embarrassment or humiliation. Mentally, people may experience feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy, or a lack of self-esteem or self-confidence. People may also experience physical symptoms like sweating, trembling, or difficulty breathing. All of these symptoms are signs that someone is feeling shame, and can be overwhelming and debilitating.


Active member
Shame is an emotional experience that can be felt in the body in various ways. It can cause feelings of emptiness, tension in the chest and throat, and a sense of being overwhelmed. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and sweating. On a psychological level, shame can manifest as feelings of worthlessness, self-doubt, and insecurity. It can also lead to withdrawal, avoidance, and fear of judgement. All of these physical and psychological symptoms can lead to a deep sense of shame, and can have a profound effect on one's self-esteem.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
"I feel shame when I'm around others, and it's a physical feeling - like I can't look anyone in the eye or move my body. What's going on?"

Shame is a powerful emotion that can often manifest as a physical sensation. When we feel shamed in the presence of others, it can cause us to feel paralyzed, as if we cannot physically move our body or even make eye contact with anyone. This is because we are so overwhelmed by the shame we feel that it can prevent us from engaging in any type of social interaction. In order to address this, it is important to do some introspection and reflect on the root cause of your shame. Once you have identified what is causing you to feel ashamed, you can begin to work on healing and coming to terms with the source of your shame.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"I often feel a deep shame in my stomach; what does this mean?"

This sensation of deep shame in your stomach likely indicates that you are experiencing intense feelings of guilt or embarrassment about something. It can also indicate a sense of discomfort in a situation or with a particular person. It is important to take the time to reflect on what is causing this feeling and to take steps to address it.