Where does Angelman syndrome come from


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I'm looking for some information and help about Angelman syndrome. Does anyone know where it comes from? I'm trying to learn more about the causes and origins of this condition, and I'm hoping that someone here can provide some insight. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Angelman Syndrome is a rare neuro-genetic disorder which is caused by a genetic mutation or deletion on chromosome 15. It is usually caused by a deletion of genetic material on the maternal chromosome 15, although it can also result from a mutation or other chromosomal abnormality on the paternal chromosome 15. The exact cause of the mutation or deletion is not known.

Symptoms of Angelman Syndrome

Angelman Syndrome usually presents with a variety of physical, developmental, and behavioral symptoms. Common physical symptoms include jerky or uncoordinated movements, a flat back of the head, difficulty speaking, and a wide-eyed, open mouth appearance. Common developmental delays include delayed motor skills, language skills, and social skills. Behavioral symptoms can include hyperactivity, short attention span, and sleep disturbances.

Diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome

Angelman Syndrome is typically diagnosed through a combination of physical exams, developmental assessments, and genetic testing. Physical exams can reveal the characteristic facial features and motor delays associated with the syndrome. Developmental assessments can uncover the delays in language, motor, and social skills. Genetic testing can determine if a deletion or mutation is present on the maternal or paternal chromosome 15.

Treatment of Angelman Syndrome

There is no known cure for Angelman Syndrome, but early intervention can help to improve the outcomes for those affected. Treatment typically involves physical, occupational, and speech therapies to help manage the physical and developmental delays associated with the syndrome. Medications such as anticonvulsants and antipsychotics may also be used to help manage the behavioral symptoms.


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Angelman Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation or deletion of a specific gene on chromosome 15. It is estimated to affect 1 in 12,000-20,000 people worldwide. The mutation or deletion of the gene causes a disruption in the normal function of the brain, leading to symptoms such as developmental delays, seizures, and movement and balance problems. It is also associated with characteristic facial features and a happy, excitable personality. In most cases, the cause of the mutation or deletion is not known. However, in some cases it can be inherited from a parent who is a carrier of the gene.


Active member
Angelman syndrome is caused by a gene mutation on the maternal chromosome 15. It is a genetic disorder that affects a person's motor skills, speech, and behavior. It is typically characterized by severe developmental delays, intellectual disability, and movement and balance disorders. In most cases, the mutation occurs spontaneously, meaning there is no known cause. Other times, the mutation can be inherited from a parent. It is estimated that one in 15,000 to 20,000 people are affected by Angelman syndrome.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Angelman syndrome is caused by a mutation on the maternal copy of a gene located on chromosome 15 called UBE3A. This gene is responsible for coding a protein that is essential to the development of the nervous system. This mutation is usually due to a deletion of a small section of the chromosome. In some cases, the mutation can be inherited from a parent who carries the genetic mutation, while in other cases, the mutation can occur spontaneously.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Angelman Syndrome is a neuro-genetic disorder that is caused by a deletion or disruption of the UBE3A gene on chromosome 15. It is usually inherited from a parent, but it can also occur spontaneously.