When should I do NGS testing


Active member
I'm considering doing NGS testing for my family but I'm not sure when the best time to do it would be. Could anyone help me out with some advice? Has anyone had any experience with NGS testing? Is there a certain time of year that's better than others? Can anyone provide any tips on how to make the most of the NGS testing process? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
What is NGS Testing?

NGS testing, or Next Generation Sequencing, is a type of genetic testing that allows for the study of a person's entire genome in a single experiment. It can be used to identify a variety of genetic conditions, including inherited disorders, gene mutations associated with cancer, and more. NGS testing is becoming increasingly popular as a tool for diagnosing and managing various health conditions.

When Should I Do NGS Testing?

The decision of when to do NGS testing should be made in consultation with your doctor. Generally speaking, NGS testing is most useful for people who have a family history of a genetic condition or who have been diagnosed with a condition that has a genetic basis. It is also often recommended for people who are at increased risk of developing a genetic condition due to their ethnicity or family history.

What Are the Benefits of NGS Testing?

The primary benefit of NGS testing is that it can provide a comprehensive picture of a person's genetic makeup, which can be used to diagnose and manage various health conditions. Additionally, it can be used to screen for genetic variants that may increase a person's risk of developing certain conditions, such as cancer or heart disease. Finally, NGS testing can provide valuable insight into a person's ancestry and give them a better understanding of their ethnic background.