When does alkaptonuria show up


Active member
I'm looking for help about alkaptonuria. I understand it's a rare genetic disorder, but I'm not sure when it usually shows up. Does anyone have any experience with this disorder, or know when it typically appears? I'd really appreciate any information on this topic, as I'm concerned for a family member who may be affected. Thanks for any help or advice you can provide.


Staff member
Alkaptonuria is an inherited disorder that is caused by a genetic mutation, and it affects the body’s ability to break down certain proteins. The symptoms of alkaptonuria usually appear during childhood or adolescence, but the condition can sometimes remain undetected until adulthood.

Symptoms of Alkaptonuria

The most common symptom of alkaptonuria is dark-colored urine. This symptom usually appears in childhood or adolescence, but it can sometimes go unnoticed. Other symptoms of alkaptonuria include joint and bone pain, fatigue, and blue-gray discoloration of the skin.

Diagnosis of Alkaptonuria

Alkaptonuria is usually diagnosed through a urine test. The test will detect the presence of homogentisic acid, which is a byproduct of the body’s inability to break down certain proteins. Other tests may include a blood test to check for elevated levels of homogentisic acid, as well as a genetic test to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Alkaptonuria

Unfortunately, there is no cure for alkaptonuria. However, there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms. These treatments may include pain medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to address joint and bone pain.


Active member
Alkaptonuria typically presents itself at birth or in early childhood. It is a very rare condition caused by the body’s inability to break down the amino acid tyrosine. Symptoms include darkening of the urine, discoloration of the sclera and cartilage, and stiffness and pain in the joints. As the condition progresses, these symptoms tend to worsen and can lead to osteoarthritis and kidney stones. The exact cause of alkaptonuria is unknown, but it is thought to be an inherited autosomal recessive disorder. Treatment for the condition typically involves avoiding foods that are high in tyrosine, taking medications to reduce joint pain, and drinking plenty of fluids to help flush out the kidneys.


Active member
Alkaptonuria is a rare condition that is usually present from birth. It is caused by a genetic mutation, and symptoms typically appear in early childhood. The most common symptom is dark urine, which may be present from infancy, although some people may not experience this until later in life. Other symptoms include arthritis, eye problems, and hearing loss. Treatment options are available to manage the condition, and early diagnosis is important for achieving the best prognosis.


Active member
Alkaptonuria, also known as ochronosis, usually shows up between the ages of two and four. It is a rare inherited genetic disorder that affects the body's metabolism, resulting in the accumulation of homogentisic acid in the body. Symptoms include dark urine, arthritis, and a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. As the disorder progresses, it can lead to joint and spine deformities, and kidney and heart problems. Treatment typically involves dietary changes and medications, such as acetylsalicylic acid and vitamin D. Surgery may also be an option. Early detection and intervention can help manage and reduce the symptoms of this disorder.


Active member
Alkaptonuria usually appears in infancy or early childhood, although it can take many years for symptoms to appear in some cases. The condition is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase, which leads to a buildup of a dark-colored pigment called homogentisic acid. Symptoms typically include dark urine, joint and spine problems, and heart and kidney issues.