When do awards become dangerous


Active member
I'm curious to hear people's thoughts on this topic: when do awards become dangerous? I'm interested in hearing from people who have experienced awards becoming dangerous in their lives or have seen it happen in the lives of others. What warning signs have you noticed that indicate when an award may be leading to negative consequences? What advice would you offer to someone who is considering entering an award competition? I'd really appreciate your feedback, thank you.


Staff member
Award ceremonies have a long and rich history. From the Nobel Prize to the Academy Awards, they have been used to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements in various fields. But in some cases, awards can become dangerous, fostering unhealthy competition and creating unhealthy expectations. This article will explore when awards become dangerous and how to avoid them.


One of the primary dangers of awards is that they can foster unhealthy competition. Awards are often used to recognize the “best” in a particular field or group. This can lead to people trying to outdo each other in order to win an award, which can lead to unhealthy competition and even toxic behavior. This kind of competition can be damaging to both the individual and the group, as it can create a climate of fear and anxiety.


Another danger of awards is that they can create unrealistic expectations. Awards can give people an idea of what is “acceptable” or “good enough” in a certain field. This can lead to people feeling like they need to meet these expectations in order to be successful. This can lead to people feeling overwhelmed and anxious, as they strive to meet these expectations.


The best way to avoid the dangers of awards is to be mindful of how they are used. Awards should be used to recognize and celebrate the achievements of individuals and groups, rather than to create unrealistic expectations or foster unhealthy competition. Awards should also be used to celebrate diverse achievements, rather than to focus on one particular type of achievement. Finally, awards should be given out in a fair and equitable manner, so that everyone has a chance to be recognized.