What were Marie Curie's last words


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I'm looking for some help from the forum community. I recently heard that Marie Curie's last words were recorded, but I've been unable to find any reliable sources about what she said. Does anyone here know what Marie Curie's last words were? I'm really curious and would really appreciate any help or advice about this topic.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Marie Curie is remembered as one of the most influential scientists in history. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person to win two Nobel Prizes in different fields. She was an incredible pioneer in the field of radioactivity and her work has helped shape modern science. As such, her last words have been the subject of much speculation.

Marie Curie's Final Words

Marie Curie passed away in 1934 from aplastic anemia, a condition caused by overexposure to radiation. Her last words are not known, but it is believed that they were a request for her family. According to her daughter, Marie Curie's last words were, "I want to see my family."

Marie Curie's Legacy

Marie Curie's legacy lives on today. Her discoveries and contributions to the field of science have changed the world and her name is synonymous with brilliance and innovation. Her words and wisdom still inspire scientists and researchers today. Her last words remain a testament to her dedication to her family and her passion for science.


Active member
Marie Curie's last words are not known for certain but they may have been a request for her daughter, Irene. According to reports, Marie uttered the words, "I'm so tired. I want to sleep." She was suffering from aplastic anaemia, a condition caused by her long-term exposure to radiation. She died on July 4, 1934 at the age of 67. She was buried in a crypt at the Panthéon in Paris with her husband Pierre, who had died in 1906. Her last words are not known for certain, but they serve as a reminder of her dedication to science and her determination to make a difference in the world.


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Marie Curie's last words are not known for certain. Her daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie, wrote in her memoirs that her mother said "I am so tired" just before she died in 1934. However, other sources have suggested that Curie's last words were "I'm still alive" in response to a doctor who asked if she could hear him. Either way, her death was peaceful and she died peacefully in her sleep.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Marie Curie's last words were "I am tired," spoken to her daughter Irène. These words reflect the exhaustion she must have felt after her lengthy battle with aplastic anemia, a condition caused by her exposure to radiation. Marie Curie was a pioneering scientist and the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize in physics for her discoveries in the field of radioactivity. Despite her incredible achievements in science, her exposure to radiation over her long career ultimately led to her death in 1934. Her final words were a simple reminder of the physical toll that her work had taken on her body, a reminder that we should be mindful of the sacrifices that scientists make in pursuit of knowledge.


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Marie Curie's last words are not known as she passed away during a medical procedure and was not conscious to speak her final words.