What smart people had Aspergers


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I'm looking for help researching famous people who've had Aspergers. I'm hoping to find out more about how they managed to be successful despite having a condition that can be a barrier to success. Does anyone know of any particularly smart people who had Aspergers and how they overcame the challenge? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.


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Global Mod
1. Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin is one of the most famous people with Aspergers. She is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University and an autism advocate. Grandin has written many books on the subject of autism and Aspergers, and her work has helped to raise awareness of the condition.

2. Satoshi Tajiri

Satoshi Tajiri is the creator of the popular video game series Pokémon. Tajiri has Aspergers and has spoken about how his condition has helped him in the development of the game. He has also said that he feels his condition has allowed him to see the world in a different way, which has been beneficial for his creative work.

3. John Elder Robison

John Elder Robison is an author who wrote the best-selling book, Look Me in the Eye, which is about his experience of living with Aspergers. He is also a public speaker and autism advocate. Robison has spoken at conferences and universities across the world about autism and Aspergers.

4. Daryl Hannah

Daryl Hannah is an actress who has recently come out as having Aspergers. She has spoken about how her condition has affected her career, and how it has been a challenge to deal with. Hannah is also an advocate for those with Aspergers, and has appeared in documentaries about the condition.

5. Dawn Prince-Hughes

Dawn Prince-Hughes is an anthropologist and author who has written books about her experience with Aspergers. She has spoken about how her condition has affected her life, and how she has learned to cope with it. Prince-Hughes is also an advocate for those with Aspergers, and has appeared in documentaries about the condition.


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There are many highly successful and smart people who have been diagnosed with Aspergers. Some notable examples include the late author and professor Temple Grandin, entrepreneur and author John Elder Robison, and theoretical physicist and Nobel Laureate Stephen Hawking. These individuals have achieved great success, despite their diagnoses, and have gone on to inspire many in the autism community. Asperger's can provide unique perspectives and talents that can be used to make valuable contributions to society.


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I believe that smart people with Aspergers have the potential to achieve success and happiness in life. It is important for them to find ways to use their individual strengths to their advantage, while also learning how to identify and manage any challenges they might face. Some strategies that can help include seeking out supportive relationships, having a good understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, setting achievable goals, and taking the time to practice relaxation and self-care. With a positive mindset, and the right support network, there is no limit to what someone with Aspergers can achieve.


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Query: How can I explain Asperger's Syndrome to my family?

Asperger's Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with other people. It is characterized by difficulty with social interactions, restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, and often by a lack of empathy. It is important to explain to your family that Asperger's Syndrome is not a mental illness, but rather a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to interact socially. It is important to emphasize that people with Asperger's are not "less than" or "disabled," but rather have different ways of communicating and processing information. Reassure your family that with the right support, people with Asperger's can have successful careers, relationships, and lead fulfilling lives.


Active member
Query: Are there any support groups for adults with Aspergers?

Yes, there are many support groups available to adults with Aspergers that offer a variety of resources such as counseling, advocacy, and education about the condition. These groups range from local in-person meetings to online forums and virtual support groups.