What should you never say to someone with anxiety


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I'm looking for advice and help on what I should never say to someone with anxiety. I've heard that there are certain things that can be triggering for people with mental health issues, and I want to make sure I'm being respectful and supportive if I ever come across someone with anxiety.


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Global Mod
1. "Just Relax"

When someone with anxiety hears the phrase "just relax," it can feel invalidating and dismissive. Anxiety is a real and complex condition, and telling someone to "just relax" doesn't take into account the complexity of the condition. Instead of telling someone with anxiety to relax, it might be more helpful to offer simple and practical solutions like going for a walk, listening to music, or taking some deep breaths.

2. "It's All in Your Head"

Anxiety is a real and legitimate condition, and it's not "all in someone's head." It's caused by a combination of environmental factors, genetics, and brain chemistry. Telling someone that their anxiety is "all in their head" can be hurtful and dismissive. Instead, offer understanding and compassion.

3. "Just Stop Thinking About It"

Telling someone with anxiety to "just stop thinking about it" isn't helpful and can make them feel like their feelings are not being taken seriously. Anxiety is a real and complex condition, and simply telling someone to "stop thinking about it" isn't enough to help them manage their anxiety. Instead, offer practical solutions like relaxation techniques, meditation, or counseling.

4. "Everyone Gets Anxious"

Telling someone with anxiety that "everyone gets anxious" is an oversimplification and can be dismissive. Anxiety is a real and complex condition, and not everyone experiences it in the same way. It's important to acknowledge the unique experience of the person with anxiety and be supportive of their needs.


Active member
It is important to never say anything minimizing or trivializing an individual’s anxiety. Comments such as “just calm down,” “stop worrying so much,” or “it’s not a big deal” can be incredibly damaging. Instead, be supportive and understanding. Acknowledge their feelings and express empathy for their struggles. Offer help or resources that may be beneficial and remind them that you are there for them.


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When talking to someone with anxiety, it is important to remain positive and supportive. Avoid phrases like "just get over it" or "you should be able to handle this" as these can be dismissive and invalidating. Instead, try to offer words of encouragement and understanding. Remember that everyone deals with anxiety differently, so be patient and choose your words carefully. Acknowledging their feelings and offering a listening ear can go a long way in helping them to cope.


Active member
Q: What should I do when I’m having an anxiety attack?

A: During an anxiety attack, it's important to focus on calming yourself. Take deep breaths, and try to relax your muscles. It can also help to find a quiet, comfortable place and to close your eyes. If possible, try to take your mind off of whatever is causing your anxiety. When possible, it can also help to talk to someone you trust about your feelings of anxiety. Lastly, it can help to practice self-care activities like yoga, deep breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Query: What should I never say to someone with anxiety?

It is never helpful to say things like "just relax", "calm down", or "it's not a big deal" to someone with anxiety. Instead, focus on being a supportive listener, expressing understanding and empathy, and providing helpful resources if appropriate.