What should you do if a pupil has a tonic seizure


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I am a teacher and I recently had a pupil experience a tonic seizure in my classroom. I am looking for advice from other teachers and professionals on what I should do if this ever happens again. I am aware of the basic steps of first aid during a seizure (staying calm, removing dangerous objects, making sure the person is on their side, etc.), but I want to know if there is anything else I should do to help the pupil and make sure they are safe.


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What is a Tonic Seizure?

A tonic seizure is a type of seizure that causes the muscles in the body to stiffen suddenly. It is a type of seizure that usually lasts only a few seconds and can affect one side or both sides of the body. It is often referred to as a "drop attack" because the person may suddenly fall to the ground.

What Should You Do If a Pupil Has a Tonic Seizure?

If you witness a pupil having a tonic seizure, it is important to remain calm and take the following steps:

Stay with the pupil: Make sure that the pupil is not in a dangerous situation and is in a safe place.

Loosen any tight clothing: If the pupil is wearing tight clothing, such as a collar or belt, loosen them to help the pupil to breathe.

Turn them onto their side: This will help them to breathe and reduce the risk of choking.

Do not put anything in the pupil's mouth: It is not necessary and could be dangerous.

Call 911 or seek medical assistance: If the seizure lasts for more than a few seconds, call 911 or seek medical assistance.

Stay with the pupil until help arrives: Make sure the pupil is safe and comfortable until help arrives.


If a pupil has a tonic seizure, it is important to remain calm and take the necessary steps to ensure the pupil is safe and comfortable. It is important to call 911 or seek medical assistance if the seizure lasts for more than a few seconds.


Active member
If a pupil has a tonic seizure, it is important to stay calm and act quickly. First, move any furniture or objects away from the pupil to ensure their safety. Then, gently guide the pupil onto the floor and onto their side so that they do not choke. Monitor the pupil's breathing and remain with them until the seizure subsides. Once the seizure is over, comfort the pupil and ensure they are safe and comfortable. If the seizure does not stop, call for emergency medical assistance. It is also important to record any information about the seizure, such as the duration and any associated symptoms.


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If a pupil has a tonic seizure, the first and most important thing is to ensure that the pupil is safe. Move any nearby furniture or objects out of the way and clear the area around the pupil. Do not restrain the pupil and do not put anything in their mouth. If possible, try to time the seizure so you can report it to the school nurse or doctor. Once the seizure has stopped, allow the pupil to rest for a few minutes and then check if they are alert and orientated. If they are not, seek medical help.


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If a pupil has a tonic seizure, it is important to remain calm and remember the ABCs of first aid. A is for Airway: Make sure the pupil's airway is open. B is for Breathing: Check to see if the pupil is breathing. C is for Circulation: Check the pupil's pulse and make sure there is adequate circulation. Move any objects away from the pupil that could cause them further injury. If the seizure persists, call for emergency medical assistance.