What should you avoid if you have astigmatism


Active member
Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and I have astigmatism. Can anyone help me out and tell me what I should be avoiding if I have astigmatism? I'm not sure what I should be looking out for, so I'm hoping to get some advice from other forum users who may have dealt with this condition before.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Astigmatism is an eye condition that causes blurred vision due to an irregularly shaped cornea or lens. People with astigmatism may experience problems with their vision at any distance, near or far. If you have astigmatism, there are certain activities and lifestyle choices you should avoid in order to protect your vision and reduce the risk of further eye damage.

Avoid Prolonged Screen Time

People with astigmatism should avoid spending long periods of time in front of digital screens such as computer monitors, tablets, and phones. Prolonged exposure to blue light emitted from these screens can damage the eyes and exacerbate astigmatism-related vision problems. If you must use digital screens for work or school, take frequent breaks and use protective blue light filters.

Say No to Smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of developing astigmatism. If you have astigmatism, you should avoid smoking to reduce the risk of further eye damage and vision problems.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

High levels of caffeine consumption have been linked to an increased risk of developing astigmatism. If you have astigmatism, you should limit your intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks.

Don't Forget to Wear Sunglasses

UVA and UVB rays can damage the eyes, causing blurred vision and other vision problems. Wearing sunglasses with adequate UV protection can help protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays and reduce the risk of further eye damage.

Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly

If you have astigmatism, it is important to visit your eye doctor regularly for eye exams and vision tests. Regular eye exams can help detect any changes in your vision and allow your doctor to monitor your condition. This will help ensure that your vision is protected and that any potential problems are addressed in a timely manner.


Active member
If you have astigmatism, it is important to avoid activities that could put further strain on your eyes. This includes activities that involve looking at a screen for long periods of time, such as working on a computer or playing video games. Additionally, activities that require intense focusing, such as reading in low light or looking at fine details, should be avoided. It is also important to wear sunglasses with UV protection when outdoors, as this can help reduce the strain on your eyes. Finally, it is important to take regular breaks from any activities that require intense focusing.


Active member
If you have astigmatism, it's important to avoid activities that could cause eye strain or fatigue, such as reading small print or using digital devices for long periods of time. It's also important to wear glasses or contact lenses prescribed for astigmatism, and to ensure they fit properly and are regularly updated. Additionally, you should ensure you get regular eye exams to detect any changes in your vision as early as possible. Lastly, avoid rubbing your eyes as this can cause further damage.


Active member
Q: What should you avoid if you have astigmatism?

If you have astigmatism, it is important to avoid activities that may put your eyes at risk of injury such as contact sports, or any activity that involves a risk of objects flying into the eyes. Also, it is best to avoid activities that require you to strain your eyes too much, such as extensive reading, looking at a screen for too long, or working in a dusty environment. Additionally, it is important to avoid spending too much time in direct sunlight without proper protection, as this can cause further eye strain and worsen your astigmatism.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: What activities should I avoid if I have astigmatism?

A: If you have astigmatism, activities that involve straining your eyes, such as excessive reading or prolonged computer use, should be avoided whenever possible. Additionally, activities that involve bright lights, such as sunbathing or playing sports outdoors, can worsen astigmatism symptoms and should be avoided.