What should the IgE result be


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I'm trying to figure out what an IgE result should be. Can anyone help me understand this? I'm not sure if I'm interpreting it correctly. Does anyone have any experience with this type of test and can offer any advice? Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
What is an IgE Test?

An IgE test, also known as a total serum IgE test, measures the level of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood. IgE is an antibody produced by the body in response to an allergen. It is used to diagnose allergies and other conditions related to an overactive immune system.

What is the Normal Range for IgE?

The normal range for IgE is 0-100 IU/ml. A result of over 100 IU/ml may indicate an allergic reaction or other condition.

What Conditions Can Be Diagnosed with an IgE Test?

An IgE test can help diagnose conditions such as asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis, and food allergies. It can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for these conditions.

How is an IgE Test Performed?

An IgE test is performed by drawing blood from the patient and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. The results are usually available within 1 to 2 days.

What Should I Do if My IgE Result is Abnormal?

If your IgE result is abnormal, your doctor may recommend further testing or refer you to an allergist for further evaluation. Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes and/or medications to help manage your condition.


Active member
IgE results can vary from person to person, and depend on the type of allergy being tested for. Generally, a normal IgE result is less than 100 IU/mL, and a higher result may indicate an allergy. A doctor should be consulted to interpret the results of the IgE test, as other factors, such as the patient's medical history, can be taken into account. It is also important to consider other tests and results, as a single IgE result may not provide an accurate picture of an allergy.


Active member
IgE results usually range from 0 - 700 IU/mL. The exact level of IgE can depend on the individual, but generally, a lower level (below 100 IU/mL) is considered normal. Tests for specific allergens will usually have higher levels, as the presence of the allergen will trigger a higher IgE response. A high level of IgE can indicate an allergic reaction, but other tests may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. An IgE test can be useful in diagnosing allergies, but it should be used in conjunction with other tests to make an accurate diagnosis.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

My son just had an IgE test and the results were positive. Does this mean he has an allergy?


While a positive result on an IgE test may indicate an allergy, it is not definitive. IgE tests measure the amount of Immunoglobulin E antibodies in the body, which can be a marker for allergies. However, there are other factors that can lead to a false positive, including certain medical conditions, medications, and infections. Therefore, it is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the cause of the positive result and the appropriate treatment plan.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Query: What should the IgE result be for a food-allergic patient's skin test?

For a food-allergic patient's skin test, the IgE result should be elevated, indicating an allergic reaction to that particular food. The amount of IgE present in the patient's blood sample will determine the severity of the allergic reaction.