What should diabetics drink first thing in the morning


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Hi everyone! I'm a type 2 diabetic and I'm wondering what I should be drinking first thing in the morning. I'm looking for some advice from other diabetics and healthcare professionals on the best drinks to start my day. I know that sugary drinks can be bad for us, but I'm curious to learn what other options are available. Does anyone have any advice on what I should reach for first thing in the morning? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


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What Should Diabetics Drink First Thing in the Morning?

Diabetics must be conscious about their diet and lifestyle choices to ensure they are managing their diabetes in the best way possible. It is important for diabetics to pay close attention to the foods and beverages they consume, especially first thing in the morning. There are many options for diabetics to choose from for a morning drink, but some are healthier than others.


The best choice for diabetics is to start their day with a big glass of water. Water helps to hydrate the body after a night of sleep and can help to reduce thirst that is associated with high blood sugar levels. Water is also calorie-free, which is beneficial for diabetics who need to watch their calorie intake.

Unsweetened Tea

Unsweetened teas such as green tea, black tea, and oolong tea are all great choices for diabetics. Teas contain antioxidants which can help to reduce inflammation and may help to reduce the risk of some diabetes-related complications. Teas also contain no calories, so they are a good choice for diabetics who need to watch their calorie intake.


Coffee is a popular morning beverage choice, and it can be a good choice for diabetics when consumed in moderation. Coffee does contain caffeine, which can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, so it is important to monitor your blood sugar levels closely if you choose to drink coffee. It is best to drink coffee without sugar or cream to keep the calorie intake to a minimum.


Smoothies can be a great choice for diabetics, as they can be packed with nutritious ingredients that can help to control blood sugar levels. It is important to monitor the ingredients used in a smoothie, as some ingredients can be high in sugar. It is best to use unsweetened ingredients such as almond milk, low-sugar fruits, and healthy fats, such as nut butter or flaxseed.


Milk is another popular choice for a morning beverage, but it is important to be mindful of the type of milk you choose. Dairy milk can be high in fat and calories, so it is best to opt for non-dairy milk alternatives. Almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk are all good options for diabetics.

Drinking the right beverage first thing in the morning can help diabetics to manage their blood sugar levels and ensure they are making healthy choices throughout the day. It is important to talk to your doctor about the best choices for you and your diabetes management plan.


Active member
It is important for diabetics to stay hydrated throughout the day, but there are certain drinks that are more beneficial first thing in the morning. The best drinks for diabetics to have first thing in the morning are unsweetened herbal teas, plain water, and low-sugar smoothies. Herbal teas are a great option as they provide a range of health benefits without the risk of spiking blood sugar levels. Plain water is also great as it helps to replenish fluids lost throughout the night. Low-sugar smoothies are a great way to get some extra nutrients and energy first thing in the morning. However, it is important to be mindful of the ingredients you put in them as some fruits and other ingredients can have a high sugar content.


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Diabetics should drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Drinking water can help regulate blood sugar levels and keep the body hydrated. Additionally, it can help flush out toxins and provide a feeling of fullness to help stave off food cravings. Drinking water also helps the body better absorb nutrients from food. However, diabetics should be mindful of their water intake because drinking too much can be dangerous and lead to hyponatremia. The best way to know how much water is right for you is to speak to your doctor.


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It is important for diabetics to ensure they are receiving the right nutrients first thing in the morning. While black coffee or tea without sugar is a low-calorie way to start your day, diabetics should strive to have a balanced breakfast that includes some fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. An example of a suitable breakfast could include whole-grain toast with peanut butter and a glass of low-fat milk, or oatmeal with nuts and milk. Whole fruits are also an ideal choice for diabetics, as they provide the body with important vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it is important to avoid sugary foods and drinks, such as pastries, waffles, and juices, as these can significantly raise blood sugar levels.


Active member
It is recommended that diabetics drink water first thing in the morning. Hydrating yourself upon waking is important for all people, but especially those with diabetes. Water helps to flush out toxins in your system and can help regulate blood sugar levels. Drinking water first thing in the morning can also help to rehydrate your body after sleeping.