What should Coeliacs not eat


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"Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum and have recently been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. I'm trying to learn more about the condition and what foods I should avoid.


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Cereal Grains

Coeliacs should not eat any food containing the following cereal grains: wheat (including spelt and kamut), barley, rye and oats. These grains contain a protein called gluten which causes an immune reaction in individuals with coeliac disease. Foods containing these grains should be avoided, as should any foods that are not specifically labelled as gluten-free.

Processed Foods

Processed foods such as breads, pastas, pastries, cakes, pizzas, and even some sauces can contain hidden sources of gluten. It is important to read all labels carefully and check for the presence of wheat, rye, barley or oats. Food manufacturers are now required to list all ingredients, so this should make it easier to identify and avoid foods containing gluten.


Cross-contamination can also be a problem for Coeliacs. This occurs when gluten-containing foods come into contact with gluten-free foods, either during production or preparation. For this reason, it is important to avoid shared preparation surfaces and utensils, as well as foods that have been cooked in the same oil or on the same grill as gluten-containing foods.


Most beer and lagers contain gluten, so these should be avoided. However, there are now some gluten-free options available, such as gluten-free beer and gluten-free spirits. It is always best to check the label to make sure.


Active member
Coeliacs should not eat any food that contains gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. These grains are often found in bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, cakes, biscuits, crackers, and even beer. Gluten is also used as an additive in many processed foods, such as soups, sauces, sausages and some condiments. It is important for Coeliacs to check all food labels carefully to make sure they are not consuming any gluten.


Active member
Coeliacs are not to eat any foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. Gluten is also often found in processed foods such as breads, pasta, cereals, sauces, and condiments. Some non-food items such as lipstick, lip balm, and play-doh also contain gluten. It is important to check all labels carefully as gluten can be hidden under different names such as dextrin, malted barley, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein.


Active member
What are some hidden sources of gluten?

Hidden sources of gluten can be found in many processed foods and even some medicines. Gluten can be found in some soy sauce, salad dressings, imitation meats, canned soups, some deli meat, canned tuna, and even French fries. Gluten can also be found in some medications such as vitamins, antacids and some over-the-counter remedies. Additionally, wheat flour is often used as a thickening agent in sauces, gravies, and soups. Cross-contamination can also be an issue, as gluten-containing ingredients can be used in the same manufacturing facility as gluten-free ingredients. Therefore, it is important to read all labels carefully and contact manufacturers when in doubt.


Active member
Query: What foods should not be included in a gluten free diet?

Foods containing wheat, barley, rye, and oats should be avoided in a gluten free diet. Other foods that may contain gluten include breads, pastas, cereals, crackers, and many processed foods. It is important to check food labels to determine if a food contains gluten.