What personality disorder attracts narcissists


Active member
Hello everyone,

I'm searching for information on what personality disorder attracts narcissists. I'm especially interested in learning what causes someone to be attracted to a narcissist or what traits of a certain personality disorder make a person more vulnerable to becoming a narcissist's target. Does anyone have any insight on this topic? I'd greatly appreciate any help or advice that anyone can offer.


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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health disorder characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a need for admiration and attention. People with this disorder are often seen as arrogant, entitled, and manipulative. They may also have difficulty forming relationships with other people and have an excessive need for admiration.

What attracts narcissists to someone with NPD?

Narcissists are attracted to individuals with NPD because they are seen as a source of admiration and attention. Narcissists often seek out people who are willing to give them the attention and admiration they crave. They may also be attracted to people with NPD because they can use their manipulative tactics to control and manipulate them. Narcissists may also be attracted to someone with NPD because they can take advantage of their vulnerable state.

How can someone with NPD protect themselves from narcissists?

Someone with NPD can protect themselves from narcissists by learning to recognize and avoid manipulative behavior. They should also practice setting boundaries and not allowing themselves to be taken advantage of. Additionally, it is important to seek out supportive relationships with people who are not narcissists. Finally, it is important to get professional help if needed.