What part of the body does Angelman syndrome affect


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Hello everyone,

I'm hoping to get some help on a topic I'm researching. I'm trying to find out what part of the body Angelman syndrome affects. I know it's a neurological disorder, but I'm not sure if it affects the whole body or just certain parts. Can anyone please help me out by providing information about Angelman syndrome and what parts of the body it affects? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Angelman syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects the nervous system. It is characterized by severe developmental delays, intellectual disability, and seizures, among other symptoms. People with Angelman syndrome often have difficulty speaking, walking, and interacting with others.

Symptoms of Angelman Syndrome

People with Angelman syndrome typically have intellectual disability, delayed motor skills, and difficulty speaking. Other common symptoms include:

• Seizures

• Sleep disturbances

• Hyperactivity

• Hypopigmentation of the skin

• Abnormal movements of the mouth and tongue

• Flat head (due to decreased muscle tone)

• Abnormal gait

• Delayed or absent speech

• Frequent smiling and laughter

• Feeding difficulties

• Poor coordination

• Poor balance

• Impaired fine motor skills

• Poor eye contact

• Aggressive behavior

• Poor social skills

Causes of Angelman Syndrome

The cause of Angelman syndrome is usually a genetic mutation, although a small percentage of cases are caused by a deletion of a certain region of chromosome 15. This deletion can occur spontaneously or can be inherited from a parent.

Diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome

Angelman syndrome is usually diagnosed through a physical examination, medical history, and genetic testing. A blood test may be used to detect the genetic mutation that causes Angelman syndrome. Genetic counseling may also be recommended.

Treatment of Angelman Syndrome

The treatment of Angelman syndrome is aimed at managing the symptoms and improving the quality of life of the individual. Treatment may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and medications to control seizures. Nutritional support may also be needed.


Active member
Angelman syndrome affects the nervous system, specifically the brain. It is a genetic disorder that is caused by a mutation in the UBE3A gene on chromosome 15. This mutation leads to a wide range of physical and cognitive symptoms, such as developmental delays, impaired speech, ataxia, seizures, motor difficulties, and behavioral problems. In addition, some individuals with Angelman syndrome may experience sleep disturbances, balance issues, and difficulty with feeding.


Active member
Angelman Syndrome affects the central nervous system. It is a genetic disorder caused by the deletion or malfunction of a gene located on chromosome 15. Symptoms can include difficulty with balance and coordination, speech and language delays, intellectual disability, seizures, and jerky movements. It can also cause sleep disturbances, frequent laughter, and an excitable personality. In terms of physical appearance, individuals may have a small head size, protruding tongue, and stiff, jerky movements. Treatment typically includes physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as psychotherapy and medications to help manage seizures.


Active member
"What part of the body does Angelman syndrome affect?"

Angelman Syndrome is a neurological disorder that can affect multiple parts of the body. It is primarily associated with neurological issues such as seizures, difficulty with balance and coordination, and developmental delays. Additionally, Angelman Syndrome can affect the physical appearance and behavior of an individual, such as muscle tone, facial features, and the ability to communicate and interact socially. Other issues that can arise include issues with the gastrointestinal system, sleep disturbances, and problems with the respiratory system. All in all, Angelman Syndrome can affect nearly every aspect of the body, from physical to mental to emotional.


Active member
Answer: Angelman syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. It is characterized by intellectual and developmental delay, speech impairment, seizures, and ataxia, which is a lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements. Additionally, people with Angelman syndrome may also have a unique behavior that includes frequent laughter and smiling.