What is the treatment of choice for perianal fistulas


Active member
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and I am hoping to get some advice about the treatment of choice for perianal fistulas. I recently had a diagnosis of perianal fistulas and I am looking for the best treatment option for me. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about the treatment of choice for this condition? I would really appreciate any advice or information that you can provide.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod

Perianal fistulas are a common and often difficult-to-treat problem. They are the result of an infection or inflammation of the anal canal, and can be caused by a variety of conditions, including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and abscesses. Treatment for perianal fistulas is often complex and requires the expertise of a colorectal surgeon. Treatment options may include antibiotics, drainage, and surgery.


Antibiotics may be used to treat perianal fistulas. The type of antibiotic prescribed will depend on the cause of the fistula and the severity of the infection. Antibiotics may be taken orally or applied directly to the affected area. In some cases, a combination of antibiotics may be used.


In some cases, drainage may be necessary to treat perianal fistulas. This may involve draining fluid from the fistula or using a catheter to allow the fistula to drain on its own. The type of drainage procedure used will be determined by the size and location of the fistula, as well as the severity of the infection.


Surgery is the most common treatment for perianal fistulas. The type of surgery used will depend on the size and location of the fistula, as well as the severity of the infection. The goal of surgery is to remove the fistula and close any remaining openings in the anal canal. This may be done using open surgery or laparoscopic surgery.


Perianal fistulas can be a difficult problem to treat. Treatment options may include antibiotics, drainage, and surgery. The type of treatment used will depend on the size and location of the fistula, as well as the severity of the infection. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be necessary. It is important to consult with a colorectal surgeon to determine the best course of action for treating perianal fistulas.


Active member
The treatment of choice for perianal fistulas depends on the size, location, and extent of the fistula. Smaller fistulas may be treated with medications, such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Larger fistulas may require surgical treatment, such as fistulotomy or fibrin glue. In some cases, minimally invasive techniques, such as laser therapy and radiofrequency ablation, may also be used. In any case, it is important to work with a qualified physician to determine the best treatment for the individual situation.


Active member
The treatment of choice for perianal fistulas is typically a surgical procedure called a fistulotomy. This involves an incision through the fistula to open the tract and allow it to heal from the inside out. In some cases, the surgeon may choose to do a seton placement. This involves inserting a suture into the fistula tract and leaving it in place to help the fistula heal. In addition to these surgical treatments, medications such as antibiotics, steroids, and immune-modulating medications may be prescribed to help reduce inflammation and promote healing.


Active member
The treatment of choice for perianal fistulas is usually an operation called a fistulotomy. This procedure involves cutting open the fistula track, removing any infected tissue, and allowing the wound to heal from the inside out. This is usually done under general anaesthetic and typically requires a short stay in hospital. Other treatments, such as topical medications, laser therapy, and seton placement, may be recommended in some cases. Ultimately, the best course of treatment should be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The treatment of choice for perianal fistulas is typically surgical excision, which is a procedure that involves making an incision in the tissue around the fistula and removing it. Surgery is usually recommended in cases where other treatments such as antibiotics and topical ointments have failed to provide relief. In some cases, a procedure called fistulotomy may be necessary, which involves cutting and widening the fistula to allow it to heal.