Asbestos related lung diseases unfortunately do not have a cure and treatment is limited. However, treatments can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.
Treating Symptoms of Asbestos in the Lungs
The main goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms, reduce the risk of progression, and reduce the risk of complications. Treatments may include:
• Medication – This may include bronchodilators to help open up the airways, steroids to reduce inflammation, and antibiotics to prevent or treat infections.
• Oxygen therapy – This can help increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and can be used for a variety of lung conditions.
• Surgery – Surgery may be an option for some cases, such as lung cancer or to remove fluid from around the lungs.
• Lifestyle changes – Avoiding exposure to dust and toxins, and quitting smoking can help reduce symptoms and improve overall lung health.
Managing Asbestos Exposure
The best way to prevent asbestos-related lung diseases is to avoid exposure to asbestos. If exposure is unavoidable, then it is important to take the necessary precautions to limit exposure. This includes wearing protective clothing, using respirators, and following safety protocols when working with asbestos.