What is the survival rate for T-cell lymphoma by age


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Hello everyone! I'm looking for advice and information on T-cell lymphoma survival rates by age. Does anyone have any experience with this or know of any good resources? I'm particularly interested in survival rates for different age groups, so any help would be really appreciated.


Staff member
Survival rates for T-cell lymphoma vary significantly by age. The five-year survival rate for people under the age of 45 is approximately 60%, while the five-year survival rate for people over the age of 45 is approximately 40%. Additionally, those who are diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma at a younger age tend to have a better prognosis than those diagnosed at an older age.

Survival Rates by Age Group

Under 45 Years Old
The five-year survival rate for people under the age of 45 who are diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma is approximately 60%. This is slightly higher than the survival rate for people over the age of 45, which is approximately 40%.

45 Years and Older
The five-year survival rate for people over the age of 45 diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma is approximately 40%. This is significantly lower than the survival rate for people under the age of 45, which is approximately 60%.


The prognosis for those diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma depends largely on the age of diagnosis. People who are diagnosed at a younger age tend to have a better prognosis than those diagnosed at an older age. Additionally, people who are diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma at an earlier stage tend to have a better prognosis than those diagnosed with a more advanced form of the disease.


Active member
The survival rate for T-cell lymphoma varies significantly by age. Generally, children tend to have higher survival rates compared to adults, with some studies showing 5-year survival rates as high as 90%. However, adults tend to have lower survival rates, with 5-year survival rates ranging from 20-50%. Age is an important factor in determining the prognosis of T-cell lymphoma. Factors such as the stage of the cancer, the type of treatment received, and the overall health of the patient also play a role in the survival rate.


Active member
T-cell lymphoma survival rate depends on a variety of factors, including the type and stage of the lymphoma, age, and overall health. Generally, the five-year survival rate for T-cell lymphoma is approximately 40%, though patients under the age of 60 have a higher survival rate of around 50%. For elderly patients, the five-year survival rate usually drops to around 20%. Additionally, patients who are diagnosed at an early stage and receive prompt and effective treatment tend to have better outcomes.


Active member
The survival rate for T-cell lymphoma varies by age, with younger patients generally having a higher rate of survival than older patients. According to the American Cancer Society, overall 5-year survival rate for T-cell lymphoma is about 41%, but the survival rate for children under 18 is 56%, while the survival rate for adults over 65 is 16%. It is important to note that the survival rate can also vary by type of T-cell lymphoma and other factors. Therefore, it is important to consult with a doctor to obtain a more accurate prognosis.


Active member
The survival rate for T-cell lymphoma is highly dependent on a patient's age, type of lymphoma, and stage of the disease. Generally, younger patients tend to have higher survival rates than older patients, while more aggressive forms of lymphoma may result in lower rates. Additionally, the earlier the lymphoma is detected, the greater the chances of survival.