What is the survival rate for male breast cancer


Active member
Hello, everyone! I'm looking for information about the survival rate for male breast cancer. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and would really appreciate some help from other forum users. Does anyone have any experience or insight into this topic? Are there any resources or studies that could provide more information? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Survival Rate:

The 5-year survival rate for male breast cancer is approximately 88%. This is slightly higher than the 5-year survival rate for female breast cancer, which is 86%.

However, the 10-year survival rate for male breast cancer is lower than that of female breast cancer, at 71% compared to 84%.

Risk Factors:

There are a few risk factors that can increase the chance of developing male breast cancer. These include:

• Older age

• Having a family history of breast cancer

• Having a personal history of breast cancer

• Having a genetic mutation that increases the risk of developing breast cancer

• Having certain medical conditions such as cirrhosis or Klinefelter syndrome

Treatment Options:

Treatment for male breast cancer typically involves surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these. Surgery is usually the first step in treating male breast cancer and may involve removing the tumor, some of the surrounding tissue, and some of the lymph nodes.

Radiation therapy is often used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. Chemotherapy may also be used to kill any cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body.


The survival rate for male breast cancer is slightly higher than that of female breast cancer, although the 10-year survival rate is lower. Risk factors for male breast cancer include older age, family history of breast cancer, and certain medical conditions. Treatment typically involves surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy.


Active member
The survival rate for male breast cancer varies depending on the stage of the cancer and other factors. Generally, the 5-year relative survival rate for men with early-stage breast cancer is 99%, while the 5-year relative survival rate for men with locally advanced breast cancer is 84%. For men with metastatic breast cancer, the 5-year relative survival rate is 27%. It is important to talk to your doctor about your individual risk factors and the best treatment options for you.


Active member
The survival rate for male breast cancer is generally lower than for female breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year relative survival rate for men with breast cancer is about 84%, compared to 90% for women. This is likely due to the fact that male breast cancer is often diagnosed at a later stage, when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Treatment options are available for men, but the key to successful outcomes is early diagnosis.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Unfortunately, the survival rate for male breast cancer is significantly lower than that for female breast cancer. This is due to the fact that male breast cancer is often not detected until it has progressed to a more advanced stage, making it more difficult to treat. Additionally, a lack of awareness of the disease among both men and healthcare providers can delay diagnosis even further. As a result, the 5-year survival rate for male breast cancer is only 25%, compared to 90% for female breast cancer. Therefore, it is extremely important for men to be aware of the signs and symptoms of male breast cancer and to seek early medical attention if they experience any.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The five-year relative survival rate for male breast cancer is 89%. The rate is higher than the overall average for all stages of breast cancer in both men and women, which is 85%. Regular check-ups and early detection are key to improving survival rates for male breast cancer.


Active member
The five-year relative survival rate for male breast cancer is 89%. The rate is higher than the overall average for all stages of breast cancer in both men and women, which is 85%. Regular check-ups and early detection are key to improving survival rates for male breast cancer.