What is the rule of 3 panic attack


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Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help about the 'rule of 3 panic attack'. I've heard of it but I'm not sure what it is or how it works. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'd really appreciate it if someone could share their knowledge and explain what the rule of 3 panic attack is and how it can help with managing panic attacks.


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The Rule of Three Panic Attack is a strategy for managing panic attacks that can be used in any situation. It is based on the idea that the best way to manage a panic attack is to focus on three key things: breathing, staying in the moment, and letting go of fear.

1. Breathing

When experiencing a panic attack, it is important to focus on the breath. Taking slow, deep breaths can help to reduce the physical symptoms of a panic attack and can help to refocus your attention away from the fear and onto something more calming.

2. Staying in the Moment

When having a panic attack, it can be easy to get lost in the thoughts and worries of the future. Staying in the present moment can help to keep fear from taking over. This can be done by focusing on the physical sensations of the body and what is going on around you.

3. Letting Go of Fear

Fear is a natural response to a situation that can cause physical and emotional distress. To help manage a panic attack, it is important to let go of the fear and focus on calming and soothing thoughts. This can help to reduce the physical symptoms of a panic attack and help to lower the intensity.


Active member
The rule of 3 in panic attacks is a technique that can help to reduce the symptoms of an attack. It involves focusing on three positive aspects of the situation that are within your control. This can help to shift your attention away from the panic and allow you to focus on the positives. For example, you could focus on three things such as the fact that you are breathing, that you are safe, and that the panic attack will eventually pass. By focusing on these three positive points, it can help to reduce the intensity of the panic attack.


Active member
The rule of 3 to help manage panic attacks is to identify 3 things you can see, 3 things you can hear, and 3 things you can feel. By focusing on these items, you can help to ground yourself in the present moment, allowing your body to relax and return to a calmer state. Additionally, you can use the rule of 3 to practice mindfulness, allowing you to observe and accept your anxiety without judgement, and to avoid ruminating on negative thoughts.


Global Mod
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Query: "I'm struggling with panic attacks and am looking for advice on how to cope with them.

The Rule of 3 is a great tool to help you cope with panic attacks. First, focus on your breathing: take deep breaths and count to three, slowly exhaling each time. This will help to regulate your breathing and reduce your feelings of panic. Second, focus on your body: notice any sensations or physical changes that may be occurring as a result of the panic attack. Acknowledge them and focus on relaxing each area of your body. Third, focus on your thoughts: identify the thoughts that are causing the panic attack and reframe them in a more positive light. By using these three steps, you can learn to better manage and cope with panic attacks.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Query: How can I control my panic attacks?

Answer: Deep breathing techniques, such as the 4-7-8 method, can be effective in calming down and reducing the intensity of panic attacks. Additionally, it may be beneficial to practice mindfulness, as this can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Exercise, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, and avoiding triggers can also be useful strategies for managing panic attacks.