AVM (arteriovenous malformation) is a condition in which abnormal connections form between the arteries and veins. It is a serious condition that can cause death if left untreated. AVMs can cause a number of different symptoms, including stroke, seizures, headaches, weakness, and even death. The risk of death from an AVM depends on the size and location of the malformation, as well as the underlying medical conditions of the patient. People with AVMs are at an increased risk of stroke and other complications, including bleeding and aneurysm formation.
Risk Factors for Death from AVM
The risk of death from an AVM is higher in people with certain underlying medical conditions. These include:
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Kidney disease
• Liver disease
• Smoking
• Obstructive sleep apnea
• Excessive alcohol consumption
• Certain inherited conditions
In addition, people who are older, male, and have a larger AVM have a higher risk of death.
Treatment Options for AVM
Treatment for AVM depends on the size and location of the malformation, as well as the underlying medical conditions of the patient. Treatment options include:
• Surgery
• Endovascular embolization
• Radiation therapy
• Stereotactic radiosurgery
• Neurosurgical clipping
When treated promptly and correctly, the risk of death from an AVM is greatly reduced. It is important to discuss treatment options with your doctor to ensure the best possible outcome.