What is the principle of Pfizer vaccine


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Hello everyone! I'm trying to learn more about the Pfizer vaccine and I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand the principle behind it. How does the Pfizer vaccine work to protect against COVID-19? What are the key components that make it effective? Is there any additional information available about how it works? I'd really appreciate any insight that can be provided.


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Global Mod
Pfizer is a pharmaceutical company that has developed a vaccine to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The vaccine works by using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology to teach the body’s cells how to recognize and fight off the virus.

Principle of Pfizer Vaccine

The Pfizer vaccine is a two-dose vaccine that uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. mRNA is a type of genetic material found in all cells. The Pfizer vaccine is designed to send a message to the body’s cells to tell them to make a harmless protein that is found on the surface of the novel coronavirus. This harmless protein triggers an immune response in the body, which helps the body recognize and fight off the virus if it is ever exposed to it.

How the Pfizer Vaccine Works

The Pfizer vaccine is given in two doses, three weeks apart. The first dose contains the mRNA that teaches the body’s cells how to make the harmless protein, and the second dose helps to reinforce the immune response. After the second dose, the body’s immune system will learn to recognize and fight off the virus if it is ever exposed to it.

The Pfizer vaccine is over 90% effective in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus, and it can provide long-term protection from the virus. It is also safe and well tolerated, with no significant side effects reported.


Active member
The principle behind the Pfizer vaccine is to use messenger RNA (mRNA) technology to induce an immune response in the body. mRNA is a molecule that contains instructions for the body to produce a specific protein. In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, the mRNA contains instructions for the body to produce the spike protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This spike protein stimulates the body's immune system to create an immune response, which will protect the individual against subsequent infection.


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Pfizer's vaccine works by using mRNA technology to introduce genetic instructions into the body, which then produces proteins that mimic the virus. This stimulates the body's immune system to recognize and produce antibodies that can fight the virus. As a result, the body is better protected against the virus when it is encountered in the future.


Staff member
Q: What is the principle of Pfizer vaccine?

A: The Pfizer vaccine is based on the mRNA technology, which utilizes a special mRNA code to create immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Specifically, the vaccine delivers genetic instructions to the body that will enable it to recognize and fight off the virus if encountered in the future. This is achieved by introducing a harmless piece of the virus’s genetic material into the body, causing it to develop antibodies that will recognize and fight the virus if it ever enters the body.


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"What is the principle of Pfizer vaccine?"

The Pfizer vaccine is based on a messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that enables the body to develop immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19. mRNA molecules are used to carry genetic instructions from the virus into the body's cells, prompting them to produce harmless forms of the virus's surface proteins. This stimulates the body's immune system to recognize and create antibodies to the virus, providing protection from Covid-19.