What is the nose line


Active member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I'm looking for some help. I've been reading up on makeup techniques and I'm curious about the nose line. What is it exactly? How do you define it? Is there a particular technique used to draw it on your face? Any advice or tips would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The nose line, also known as the nasal sill, is a line that runs along the bridge of the nose, separating the upper and lower parts of the face. It is an important feature in facial recognition and can vary in size and shape from person to person. The nose line can also be used to determine a person’s ethnicity, as some ethnic groups have more pronounced nose lines than others. Additionally, the nose line plays a role in facial symmetry and proportion.

In terms of aesthetics, the nose line is an important feature to consider when evaluating facial beauty. It should be straight and clear, with no visible bumps or curves. The angle of the nose line should also be taken into account, as it can affect the overall balance of the face. Additionally, the distance between the eyes and nose line should be even.

In terms of makeup, the nose line can be contoured to create a more defined and sculpted look. Makeup artists use matte or shimmery contour powders to create the illusion of a more prominent nose line. This can be done by applying the powder along the sides of the nose, making sure to blend the product into the skin.

Overall, the nose line is an important feature to consider when evaluating facial beauty. It should be straight, balanced, and symmetrical to create a harmonious look. Makeup artists can also use contouring powders to create the illusion of a more prominent nose line.