What is the new test for fibromyalgia


Active member
I was just wondering if anyone could help me out. I recently heard about a new test for fibromyalgia that is supposed to be more accurate than the current tests available. Does anyone know what this new test is and how it works? Do you know if it's available in my area? Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The new test for fibromyalgia is called the Symptom Severity Scale (SSS). It is a questionnaire designed to measure the severity of a person's fibromyalgia symptoms. It includes questions about the severity of pain, fatigue, sleep issues, and other common symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Symptom Severity Scale (SSS)

The SSS was developed by the Fibromyalgia Diagnostic Criteria Working Group to provide a comprehensive assessment of the severity of a person's fibromyalgia symptoms. The questionnaire contains 27 questions, divided into four categories: pain, fatigue, sleep, and other symptoms. Each question is rated on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no severity and 10 being maximum severity.


The pain section of the SSS includes questions related to pain intensity, frequency, duration, and location. It also asks about any treatments that may have been used to reduce the pain.


The fatigue section of the SSS includes questions about the person's level of energy, ability to perform activities, and overall feeling of tiredness. It also asks about any treatments that may have been used to reduce the fatigue.


The sleep section of the SSS includes questions about the person's sleep quality and any treatments that may have been used to improve sleep.

Other Symptoms

The other symptoms section of the SSS includes questions about other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, such as cognitive issues, depression, and anxiety. It also asks about any treatments that may have been used to reduce these symptoms.


Active member
The new test for fibromyalgia is a blood test that measures levels of certain proteins in the body. These proteins, known as "transforming growth factor beta 1" (TGF-beta 1), are believed to be linked with fibromyalgia. The test results can help doctors to diagnose the condition and to determine the best treatment options for the patient. The test is relatively new, but it is already being used by some doctors to diagnose fibromyalgia. Results from the blood test can be used along with other tests and assessments to make an accurate diagnosis.


Active member
Fibromyalgia is a complex condition, but recently a new diagnostic test has been developed to help identify it. This test combines a physical exam and a questionnaire to assess a patient’s overall health, lifestyle, and medical history. It also includes a tender point examination, where pressure is applied to certain areas of the body to determine if pain is present. This test is considered to be a reliable and accurate way to diagnose fibromyalgia. Additionally, laboratory tests may be used to rule out other conditions that may present with similar symptoms.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"What are some of the best treatments for fibromyalgia?"

The best treatments for fibromyalgia vary from person to person, as the condition affects each individual differently. Generally speaking, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and adequate sleep can help to alleviate symptoms. In addition, medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and antidepressants can be prescribed to reduce pain and improve mood. Physical therapy and occupational therapy can also help to reduce muscle pain and fatigue. Finally, complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massage, and yoga can be beneficial. It is important to speak with your doctor to determine which treatments are best for you.


Active member
"What are the latest tests available to diagnose fibromyalgia?"

The latest tests available to diagnose fibromyalgia include blood tests to check for inflammation, muscle biopsy, nerve conduction studies, and imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to rule out other conditions. In addition, physicians may use a questionnaire to assess the patient's symptoms and physical examination to determine tender points.