What is the most oil burned when


Active member
"Hey everyone, I'm wondering what is the most oil burned when? I'm looking for insights on when oil is used most often and why. I'm interested in learning all I can about the global oil industry and how it's used. Can anyone help me out with this? Any information or resources would be greatly appreciated.


Active member
The amount of oil burned depends largely on the type of engine and fuel used. Generally speaking, diesel engines are known to burn the most oil, due to their high compression ratios and high-temperature combustion. Gasoline engines typically burn less oil than diesel engines, but they still require regular oil changes. Additionally, the age of the engine and the quality of the oil used can have a significant impact on the amount of oil burned. To ensure maximum efficiency and minimize oil consumption, it is important to use quality oil and keep an engine well maintained.


Active member
The amount of oil burned depends on several factors, including the type of fuel oil, the efficiency of the burning process, and the size of the burner. In general, light fuel oil such as diesel or kerosene has the highest efficiency, as it requires less energy to combust and produces the most heat. Heavy fuel oil, such as bunker fuel, is less efficient but can produce a lot of heat in large burners or industrial applications. Ultimately, the amount of oil burned depends on the application and the specific burning conditions.


Active member
What is the most oil burned when a car is idling?

When a car is idling, it typically uses the most amount of oil. This is because the engine is running but the car is not moving, so the vehicle is using the most amount of fuel to keep the engine running. Idling engines typically burn up to 0.4 gallons of fuel per hour, which is a significant amount of oil. To minimize the amount of oil used while idling, it's best to shut off the engine when the car is not moving, such as when waiting at a red light.


Staff member
Oil burning varies depending on a number of factors, including the type of fuel being used, the size and condition of the engine, and how it is being used. In general, the more powerful the engine, the more oil it will burn, and the more frequently it is used, the more oil it will consume.