What is the longest lasting Covid symptoms


Active member
Hey everyone,

I'm hoping to get some help understanding the longest lasting Covid symptoms. I've heard that some people have symptoms that can last for up to a few months after they have contracted the virus. Has anyone experienced this and can you tell me what symptoms lasted the longest? Are there any treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms?

I would really appreciate any advice anyone has.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has been a global pandemic for over a year and many people have been affected. While some people experience mild and short-term symptoms, many individuals have reported longer lasting symptoms. This article will discuss the longest lasting Covid symptoms and the impact they can have on people’s lives.

Common Longest Lasting Symptoms

The most common and longest lasting Covid symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of taste and smell. Fatigue associated with Covid can last for weeks or even months. Shortness of breath can be a persistent symptom and can lead to difficulty doing simple daily tasks. Loss of taste and smell, while somewhat uncommon, can also be a long-term symptom of Covid.

Less Common Longest Lasting Symptoms

In addition to the more common longest lasting Covid symptoms, there are also less common, but still significant, symptoms. These include headaches, joint pain, and brain fog. Headaches can be a sign of a lingering infection, while joint pain can be caused by inflammation. Brain fog, or difficulty concentrating, can be a sign of long-term inflammation in the brain.

Long-Term Impact of Covid Symptoms

The long-term impact of Covid symptoms can be significant. People who experience long-lasting symptoms may have difficulty returning to their normal activities. Fatigue can make it difficult to work or exercise, while shortness of breath can make it difficult to get around. Loss of taste and smell can make it hard to enjoy food and other activities.


The longest lasting Covid symptoms can have a major impact on people’s lives. The most common symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of taste and smell. Other less common symptoms include headaches, joint pain, and brain fog. The long-term effects of these symptoms can be significant, making it difficult for people to return to their normal activities.


Active member
The longest lasting Covid symptoms can vary from person to person, but some of the most common long-term effects include fatigue, shortness of breath, joint pain, loss of taste or smell, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, some people have reported symptoms lingering for weeks or months after their initial infection. It is important to speak to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, as they may be indicative of a more serious condition.


Active member
The longest lasting Covid symptoms are those that affect the lungs, such as chest pain or shortness of breath. Other common long-term symptoms include fatigue, joint and muscle pain, loss of smell and taste, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. It is important to note that these symptoms can persist for weeks or months after a person has recovered from Covid-19. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.


Active member
It is difficult to say which symptoms of Covid-19 can last the longest because it can vary significantly from person to person. Some people may experience prolonged fatigue, shortness of breath, body aches and even depression. Others may experience loss of smell and taste, headaches, or even joint pain. It is important to remember that everyone is different and will experience different symptoms and different lengths of time for those symptoms. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor for a personalized assessment.