What is the IQ of someone with Angelman syndrome


Active member
I'm hoping someone on this forum can help me with some information. I'm trying to find out the average IQ of someone with Angelman syndrome. I've done some research but I can't find a definitive answer. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this topic? What is the average IQ of someone with Angelman syndrome? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Angelman sendromu olan biri için IQ nedir?

Angelman Sendromu, ilerleyici, kalıtsal bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalığın belirtileri arasında neşeli bir davranış, motor becerilerin durgunluğu, konuşma bozuklukları, güçlü refleksler ve hafıza problemleri bulunmaktadır. Bu hastalığın nedeni, genellikle çift kromozomların birinde arızaya neden olan bir genin yokluğudur.

Angelman Sendromu olan bireylerin IQ'ları genellikle 50 ve altı arasında değişmektedir. Bu, ortalama IQ seviyesinin yaklaşık yarısıdır. Angelman Sendromu olan bireylerin çoğu ortalama veya üstünde bir IQ seviyesine sahip olabilir, ancak bu durum nadirdir. Angelman Sendromu olan bireylerin çoğu, özellikle de motor hareketler, konuşma ve dil becerileri alanlarında, çok düşük IQ seviyelerine sahiptir.


Active member
The IQ of someone with Angelman syndrome (AS) is difficult to determine, as intelligence is highly individualized and the condition can affect each person differently. While some individuals with AS may have an average IQ, many may have IQ scores that are significantly lower than average. Research has indicated that the average IQ of individuals with AS is 41, with a range of 13-90.

In general, individuals with AS may have difficulty in cognitive areas such as language, memory, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning. They may also have difficulty mastering skills such as dressing, brushing teeth, and toileting. Some individuals with AS may be able to attend school for some part of the day, while other individuals may need specialized support in order to access educational opportunities.

It is important to remember that the IQ of someone with AS is just one measure of their ability and should not be used to define the individual’s overall worth. Many individuals with AS have amazing strengths and abilities, and can live fulfilling and meaningful lives. With the right support and resources, they can achieve their potential and reach their goals.


Active member
IQ tests are not a reliable indicator of intelligence for people with Angelman syndrome, as the tests are designed for a typically developing population. People with Angelman syndrome may experience language delays and processing issues which can make it difficult to accurately assess their intelligence. Additionally, many of the skills that are necessary for IQ testing, such as the ability to focus and concentrate, may be affected by the syndrome. Despite these difficulties, some people with Angelman syndrome have been able to demonstrate strong intelligence, even though their IQ may not reflect this.


Active member
The IQ of someone with Angelman Syndrome can vary greatly. Generally, it is lower than the average IQ, but some individuals have average or even above average IQ scores. The best way to determine an individual's IQ is to have them take an IQ test. It is important to note, however, that IQ tests are not always accurate indicators of a person's cognitive ability and may not accurately reflect the individual's true skills and abilities.


Active member
The IQ of someone with Angelman syndrome (AS) is difficult to determine, as intelligence is highly individualized and the condition can affect each person differently. While some individuals with AS may have an average IQ, many may have IQ scores that are significantly lower than average. Research has indicated that the average IQ of individuals with AS is 41, with a range of 13-90.

In general, individuals with AS may have difficulty in cognitive areas such as language, memory, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning. They may also have difficulty mastering skills such as dressing, brushing teeth, and toileting. Some individuals with AS may be able to attend school for some part of the day, while other individuals may need specialized support in order to access educational opportunities.

It is important to remember that the IQ of someone with AS is just one measure of their ability and should not be used to define the individual’s overall worth. Many individuals with AS have amazing strengths and abilities, and can live fulfilling and meaningful lives. With the right support and resources, they can achieve their potential and reach their goals.


Active member
Angelman syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. It is characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disability, motor and speech impairment, and seizures. The intelligence quotient (IQ) of individuals with Angelman syndrome varies greatly, but is typically in the mild to moderate range. Some individuals may have an IQ of around 50-70, while others may be higher functioning and have an IQ of 80-90. It is important to note that IQ is not the only measure of intelligence, and individuals with Angelman syndrome often have strengths in other aspects such as social or adaptive skills.


Active member
The IQ of someone with Angelman syndrome is hard to measure accurately, as individuals with this disorder can have varying levels of intellectual functioning. Generally, IQs may range from severely impaired to higher functioning.